Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I was talking to someone a lil while ago and we were discussing fasting and consecration and stuff and it led him to say "like, who are we?" And I started thinking of the scriptures (Psalm 103:14, Psalm 78:38-39, 1 Peter 1:24 / Isaiah 40:6). And I'm like: "yeah Lord we are dust and grass" but I got such a revelation: Grass and dust/dirt, that is where things grow from. So, yes, we are weak and weary, and easily swayed, and our lives are but a vapor, but we serve a purpose.  With a seed and water and the right climate, God can create THROUGH us. So beautiful.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


"Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom...."  We are free to heal and free to be real and free to forgive. 

(I guess I'm pretty normal) It is really easy for me to develop a grudge.  And I always thought it was so hard to let go of them.  And I tend to look for justifications.  

But recently I heard a sermon on wrath and the pastor (Pastor Barry) said, "If you really forgave them, why is it so hard for you to speak to them?"  So that night I tested it out.  I talked to someone that I was holding something against and asked for forgiveness.  I had just heard a sermon by Charles Stanley and he and Barry said the same thing about how when you talk to them it shouldn't be about what they did wrong blah blah blah but what your role in it was - holding unforgiveness etc.  

Tonight I spoke to a few more people about things that I was holding back from them.  

Still got a ways to go but I am learning that it is not as hard as I thought it was...the Holy Spirit helps so much too!  And it really feels so much better to let go.  And there have been situations where I say "God I can't go to that person yet kuz im still hurt" but as I opened my mouth to speak that pain just PHEWWW started going away :).

There are still things that I feel like: NEVERRRR! But where it's God's will, God will make a way.  You just have to be obedient...