Sunday, October 21, 2012

Amazing how God just showers His love on me.  Just to give a few examples from today:

- I was walking to church and my feet were so hurting and uncomfortable.  For some reason my boots just did not feel right today and I kept tripping and I was getting really annoyed.  As I was walking I was like, "God I dont know how I'm gonna get home with these boots."  I kinda forgot about them and was even running around with a little girl (in fact even how I got to be there was a whole other story, another miracle from God) but then I took them off so I could run faster lol and all of a sudden someone comes and says "hey I want you to try these boots on for me to see if they fit you."  I'm thinking, "this is weird."  I had forgotten that my feet were bothering me lol.  And there was someone else there but she didn't like boots.  I tried them on and they were actually a great fit.  Nice and cozy.  The LORD literally gave me a new pair of boots.  He saw my need and He provided.  Amazing.  

- A little while before I got my new boots, I was hanging around.  I had just gotten there (we were in the lower level of the church) and I wasn't sure how long I was going to stay - I was hungry.  All of a sudden, my Pastora came with pastelillos and asked if I had had one, which I hadn't because I'm trying to save money and I thought I'd be home soon but I was really hungry.  She didn't know that but she asked and I said no and she ended up giving me one.  It was really good too :) CHICKEN!  I've never had a chicken pastelillo.  And it filled me up which was great because I ended up just getting home a little while ago.  

And I just pray for all of you that you would begin to experience the favor of God and that you would give Him glory when He takes care of you.  Look for the little ways as well as the big ways that He showers you. He loves you and so do I!

Be encouraged!

Monday, October 15, 2012

God is awesome.  Even the "little things" are "miraculous" to me.  Like this morning I was wondering what to eat for breakfast and I kinda had a craving for waffles.  I haven't had them in ages!  I look in the freezer and there happened to be ONE waffle left!!!  I didn't even know it was there!  I heated it up, put some syrup on and guess what that one blueberry waffle filled me up until lunch time!!!  Incredible!!!  I thank You God for these "little things" that just make my day.  Truly this was a butterfly kiss from the Father to His little girl :,) <3