Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mark 4:35-41

When the storm came, even though the disciples were afraid and upset, they still managed to cry out to Jesus. They weren't sure if or how He was gonna calm the storm. They even had their doubts: "Don't You care if we drown?" But they didn't know who else to turn to and they knew they couldn't steer the boat on their own. They made the right decision because Jesus did calm the storm and although He challenged them: "Do you still have no faith?" He wasn't angry with them. 

In the middle of the storm, when all I can or want to do is scream and cry and even ask Jesus "Don't you care...?" I can still whisper a prayer. Even if there's not a lot of faith behind it, I just don't know where else to turn so I turn to Him and wouldn't you know it, He calms the storm! Sometimes not right away. Sometimes the waves still come and go. But He really does care and the wind and waves really do obey Him. :,) 
This is growth: To be able to go to God in the middle of my situation, in the middle of my emotions, and be honest with Him and come out of it praising Him. :,)