Friday, June 20, 2014

I say this to the glory of God...

On Wednesday Pastor Felix had prayed that God would use us to tell someone Jesus loves them. God is so faithful and this morning He had me get on a particular train at a particular time and a particular car and see this young man. I don't like to look at young (or old) men, don't like to talk to them. In the past I would have judged him but immediately the thought popped into my head: Tell him Jesus loves him. And I started praying. I did not go on facebook. I did not play games. I prayed. I prepared. I made deals with God lol and tried to get out of it. And so part of my prayer was that Jesus would help him with anything he may be going through. I asked the Lord for a sign as confirmation. It happened. I asked for a second confirmation. It happened as well, and along with the first one again lol - just in case I didn't get it the first time. So finally I asked if I could tell him something and I tried to find the words. I pray that I spoke the words God wanted me to speak. Part of it was just that Jesus can help you through whatever issues or anything if you just cry out to Him. Get to know Him. He loves you so much. Then God told me to ask him if anyone's ever told him that before. He said "No not really." I was flabbergasted! Even though I still can't quite grasp God's love but I know that He loves me and I take it for granted and take it for granted that I have people in my life that are going to remind me of this. And this boy has who knows who telling Him who knows what and God wanted me to be the one to tell Him otherwise. Amazing. I prayed for him when I was walking away, one of the prayers being that what I said was the right thing and that it fell on good soil in his heart. The other thing I wanted to share about this morning was that I felt in my spirit: Well even if he is not the specific one person that I wnat you to tell that Jesus loves them, what does that matter? Don't we ALL need to know Jesus loves us? So either way it was probably a good thing to say "Jesus loves you." And how hard wold it be, really?