Friday, September 26, 2014

"This is what it is to be held...."

I thank God that He knows exactly what we need. I thank God that He does not change with the shifting shadows. He is not surprised by our circumstances. Father knows best. He sees the end from the beginning. Prayer and putting on the armor of God and anointing myself will not always prevent painful things from happening. Sometimes it will not necessarily even make it less painful. But I do believe that if we partner with God He will wrap us in His arms and quiet us with His love. He will hold us. He will hold us. He will hold us. Sometimes that will be in the form of just sitting with us while we cry. Sometimes we won't even feel His presence but it is in those moments that we just have to trust Him, trust in what we know of Him and/or have experienced, trust that He is who He says He is. And then sometimes, He will hold us by sending people in our lives to speak the truth in love, or to sit with us as we cry and hold our hands and rub our backs and give us tissues and buy us dessert and just listen to us. Or by sending people to make time out of their busy lives for us, for people who will check their messages or poke us to make sure we're okay. And then they'll remind us of who God is and who we are. And they'll remind us that nothing can pluck us from His hand. Sometimes God will hold us by preparing us - by telling us how to guard our hearts and our minds, or by sending little children or people for us to love on, and this will quiet our hearts. Sometimes He holds us just by literally being the breath that we breathe or giving us even a few moments or a few hours of sweet rest. He says "Be still and know I am God." He says "You can't control other peoples' reactions or behaviors. You can only control your own." And He always always reminds us that He is with us. His promises are yes and amen but sometimes His answers to prayer are no and amen. Sometimes He has bigger plans that we can imagine. We don't always want things to change. We don't want to stir the pot. We're afraid of peoples' reactions. Sometimes an uncomfortable situation could feel more comfortable than change. But sometimes God has better for us. Only God could turn a painful season into a season of love and trust and healing. Only God can bring peace in the middle of a hurricane season. God, comfort Your people, whoever needs it. Whoever needs a touch from you. You alone are God and You alone know what Your people need. Nothing surprises You and nothing is too big for You. 

Love You,