Saturday, March 7, 2015

It works!!!

To be honest, I've struggled with Ephesians 6 regarding putting on our spiritual armor. But the last few days I've been praying a little differently...not just regurgitating the scriptures or what I've heard people pray, I've been praying from my own words. So yesterday, I prayed / armored up, and I had a few "thoughts" and maybe an urge or two. But they were all in passing. They didn't stay and they didn't spread to my heart or my body. And I heard God say "that's the armor of God." Even today, although it wasn't perfect, certain things that would have sent me over the edge, didn't effect me! 

I'm thinking about the NA slogan: It works if you work it so work it it's worth it. 

And I'm thinking, like someone said yesterday "Test God" MEANING be honest with God and say "I'm struggling with my faith in this. I need you to come through. I'm gonna pray and I need you to answer." 

Monday, March 2, 2015

God is relentless

God is relentless haha. <3 I had had some prayer time earlier but then I had to stop and wanted to continue because I had a few specific prayers to pray. And I said: I'm going to my prayer closet...just going to take one or two things, not going to read this particular book, not going to deal with this issue right now because I have other stuff I need to pray for. And God allowed me to pray and it was all good and then I was done with that and was gonna go back upstairs and He said "wait...what's that in your heart?" And I'm like: "Ugh...ok." So I start venting to Him lol. And then I felt to open the Bible...I asked Him to speak to me through His Word but I had a few specific verses in mind that I wanted to find. And I had this notebook and it said "Always LOVE" and I'm just looking at it, like: Ok.... So then I start reading the Word and what I found was actually not what I was looking for and when I did find a few things that I had been recently looking for it didn't really touch me. Why? Because what I found was so much better - It was ALLLL about God's steadfast love (and various associated topics). Also, I told God: "Hey I'm doing pretty good! I don't blah blah blah." And in His mercy He showed me an area that needs some work. I'm so thankful that He would care about me so much that He would want to work on me. And that He is so hopeful and confident that I will be changed, that He bothers to talk to me. I got so enveloped I didn't realize I spent TWO HOURS down there!!! He's so merciful. So amazing. And I'm just in awe because I really didn't plan for any of that lol. That's how "dates" with our "spouses" should be! SURPRISE! God never ceases to surprise me. And it shows that even though I try to avoid dealing with certain things, I see that God still has my heart. Because I could have still resisted. I could have refused to stay in that prayer closet. I could have gone upstairs to eat lunch and play video games. But I stayed. It also shows His power. He is so beautiful that He makes me want to stay with Him. His love draws me closer all the time...