Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just when "my heart was grieved and spirit embittered" and just before "I was senseless . . . a brute beast before [God]" He came to once again encourage me and strengthen me.  I have faith that even when it feels like I have NOTHING or NO ONE, GOD is with me.  And that when I feel like I'm giving and giving and giving and it's a strain, GOD will give the increase because I'm investing in eternity and He honors that.  Right now He's telling ME to STAY.  And He promises that even if everyone else walks out on my life HE will never leave me or forsake me and for that I can be thankful and for that I can stay strong.  And when He does release me to GO FORTH He will walk with me.  For now though I have to stay because there is a purpose in this place, in this time.  So....I'm here for the long haul.  Even if it hurts sometimes and I feel like I dont know how much more I can take, GOD knows how much more I can take.

Lord just guard and soften and strengthen my heart.  Help me to be bold and courageous no matter what comes my way.  Teach me what it means to trust You.  To trust You with everything.  To worship You.  To offer myself and whatever I have as a sacrifice, including my pain and fear.

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