Friday, August 5, 2016


How do you react when winter ends? Sometimes it transitions peacefully and sometimes it's like, you wake up and all of a sudden it's a heat wave! You go to sleep with snow on the ground and wake up to birds chirping. Other times, it'll be snowy, then the next day a little warmer, then a little warmer, and finally you're in spring. And when you're in spring do you have grieve the snow? You don't see the snow anymore, right? Do you look at your winter coat and weep? Maybe. Maybe not.

I thought of this because it's been very difficult for me to come out of this last season. It's hard to experience (or, honestly, sometimes it's hard to want to experience) seasons of peace after you've come out of a season of pain. It's hard to start over or want to start over when you are bombarded by the thoughts and the memories. I've heard it said: From time to time, weep deeply over the losses in your life, and then, dry your eyes, wash your face, and move on - and I'd add: enjoy what you have now and what is soon to come! In some ways the last season was kind of comfortable...only because it was familiar. It was not necessarily a good season although I do have to say that I am a lot stronger than I have ever been or than I have been for a long time. I definitely went to a new level and it had to take me going to a LOWER level to get to this higher place.

Sometimes, we'll be in spring and suddenly get a snowstorm. Or we'll get a random hot day in the winter. Climate change? Global warming? End days? Or just a reminder...when that happens in the spiritual or proverbial season, we usually are reminded of the previous season. And depending on the season we're in, we may long for that past season...or we may be glad it's over.

Sometimes in the spiritual we have regrets...we wish things would've gone differently, thinking that would have prevented the shift, but maybe that's not so true. I heard God say to me the other day: Did you cause the snow in the winter? Can you control the weather? No. Sometimes we can't control seasons. People come and go. Jobs end and start. Life happens. Some changes we are responsible for but some, many, are necessary.

Life is about losses and gains. This last season has been a season of loss and pain for me. But also a beautiful season of strength and discovery. Some of you may have had a beautiful season and now are in a season of pain or grief.

Again I ask, in the natural, how do you react to the changing seasons?

One thing to remember through it all - and I record this as I hear this in my spirit, and I speak it over myself and my heart - one thing we can count on - God does not change like the shifting shadows. In the physical, seasons occur as we move around the sun. The sun stays still! So too in the spirit - the SON stands still. Jesus does not move. The seasons change as we get closer or further to Him, as we experience longer shadows or lots of sun, as the days get shorter or the nights get longer. But God does not move! We can cling to Him.

When it's spring in one part of the world, it's summer in another, winter in another, etc. Not everyone experiences different seasons in their lives at the same time. We need to be mindful of this and be okay with it. I know it's weird and can be hard to accept. I can't conceive that in Argentina right now it's winter lol.

Anyway...just wanted to share my heart...

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