Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31, 2010

Some of the ways God showed up today:
- I woke up 
- I woke up in my own bed with pillows and blankets and pajamas and with all my body parts functioning 
- I woke up in the AC!
- I woke up with all my senses.
- I cuddled my cat and then saved him from my dog and then saved my dog from him lol.
- I got to spend some time with my mom and dad 
- My dad and I played Family Feud on facebook :) lol 
- I was able to eat breakfast
- I took a shower ... and with hot water 
- I put fresh clean clothes on my body ... and they fit :)
- One of my textbooks came today
- I took the bus to school ... I had a metrocard to pay for it and I got there on time and safely
- I ran into a girl who is in two of my classes, who informed me that yesterday at the class I was late to, the professor did take attendance so I should speak to him.  She also said she could vouch for me.  And she gave me her email address.
- I participated in class 
- I had a nice time with a friend and a nice lunch
- Even though I got to class late, my professor was even later than I was
- I was able to tell people where to get chairs because there weren't enough.
- My computer battery lasted just long enough to get me through the class :) (God's perfect timing)
- On the bus on the way home I was dozing off but woke up in time to hear a woman ask if anyone had five singles. I did and was able to help her. (These kinda things make me feel good! I love to be a blessing in any way I can.)
- I got home safe and hung out with my brother. 
- I had a nice chat with someone.
- I had a nice dinner. 
- I downloaded the first two chapters of my textbook for Spanish Civilization and made a good dent in it and understood it.  (Let's be clear people: SPANISH which is not my first language and HISTORY which normally is not my forte and yet it's making sense :D )
- I had read the wrong section for one of my classes a few days ago but found out in time to read the correct material for today and then today we were picking what we wanted to present on and so I'm going to give a presentation in a few weeks on something I already read and understood. So all I have to do is refresh my memory and prepare a little five-minute speech.  (My "mistake" turned out to be preparation for a blessing.
- I'm about to go to read my Bible and pray and maybe write, without fear of being arrested, tortured, killed or mocked for practicing my belief and exercising my faith.  
- Then I'm going to sleep in my bed and not be afraid that something terrible is going to happen to me.  

Maybe to you these may seem like simple little things but there were times in my life where I took these little things for granted, and then there were times where I lacked the ability to do these little things (including eating and success in school and having money and waking up well and functioning) so I wanna take the time out to give God the praise and the honor and the glory.  

There's a story in the bible where Jesus healed 10 lepers and only one of them came back to thank Him and that one was healed completely.  Well, the promise of complete healing is great but I just want to come back mainly because I'm that grateful.  


  1. You are so cute Jess! That's a long list of things to be thankful for! The beauty of it all is your sensitivity! =)

  2. Want to say Jess, that I am very proud of you. You started off by being thankful of the basics in our life that we tend to overlook. It says allot about where you are in your life and how wide you are seeing. God Bless you tremendously wi...th this new step your taking in reaching further with your giftings. May He keep you, Guard you and continously astound you. love and God Bless, Zoryxoxo
