Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"The Prayer Offered In Faith..." and other stories

- One of the prayers I pray most frequently and with much faith is "Lord anoint and orchestrate every part of this day."  Let me just say - I know He did. He always does. Even when I think that I'm "running late" He is really setting me up.  Not only is He probably protecting me from something but He's also making sure that I get to the place that HE wants me when HE wants me to be there.  His ways are so much higher than mine.  The Bible tells me so.  

- I had a sorta rough morning but in the midst of that I still saw God's hand.  I knew He was with me as I read my textbook because He was helping me understand everything (it was in Spanish).  I knew He was with me in my frustration because He revealed to me something about myself - and it's in line with the battle that I've recently decided to come against.  I knew He was with me when I got dressed.  Well, I didn't know at first and I was really not too happy with what I was wearing and couldn't pick an outfit but then I put something on and actually got a bunch of compliments on it so I figured out that He had told me to wear it.  In fact, my sister said "you're looking more like mom every day" and she said it was a good thing.  My mommy IS very pretty so...I guess it IS a good thing ;) 

- When I got on campus God helped me find the person I was meeting up with.  I couldn't find her but she found me.  We hung out for a little bit and it turns out she lives right near me.  

- I went to class and told my professor I had been late last time but it was the bus and it wouldn't happen again and as I'm in the middle of my story he tells me he has me down as being present.  We agreed the preceding conversation never happened lol.  Also it turns out a friend I haven't seen in 5 years is in the class.  And, it was a really good class!  (Who woulda thunk it!  Art history!  Bah! lol)  Also I found an outlet so I didn't waste my battery.

- I went to my other class and it turned out there is yet another person I know in that class.  Also my friend helped me change the language setting on Word to Spanish.  I understood most of what the professor was saying and even answered a question.  Oh also, I had made a pit stop before class and when coming back to the room I ran into an old friend who told me I was "in luck" having this professor.  Confirmation that God hooked me up! :D

- I saw God on the bus as this little girl got on with her mom.  I watched her eat ice cream.  She was so proud and happy.  God's handiwork.  Made me grateful also for all the things that I can do with my body with ease. I've learned so much.  

- I took a nap and woke up a lil late for church but still went.  Well...I'm gonna create another blog when I'm done with this to describe that b/c this is getting a lil long but...

- One last thing for this one - my dad put his facebook status about me saying that I was smart and stuff b/c I helped him with fast money on family feud.  I love how God uses these little things to bring us together.  <3

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