Sunday, September 19, 2010

Answered Prayer

When we ask for something through prayer, we have to be ready for the answer.  Sometimes it could be right in front of our noses, right in our hands and we don't even notice or we don't want to grab hold of it.  

I've been asking God to restore me, renew me, heal me.  Recently I've begun to realize that He has been doing just that...and/or trying to...I just have to work with it.  

I realize it's my choice whether or not I pick up my mat and walk.  It's my choice whether or not I throw myself into the pool or keep making excuses.  It's my choice whether I remain hunched over and crippled or stand up and praise God.  It's my choice whether I lay down my life, my possessions, stop trying to do things in my own way and time, stop holding on to things that don't belong to me (my Isaacs), let go of the strongholds or let go on God. And well, God never gives up His hold on me.  Even though at times I feel as though I'm unreachable or like "oh...all this bad stuff is happening to me so I guess it means that I did something so bad or so much bad stuff that God's just like 'psh forget u...' " really it's at those times that He's even closer than I think...perhaps even closer than ever before.  See because in the storms is when I'll have to rely only on Him to calm them or save me.  In the darkness is when I see His light.  In the fire the impurities are burned off.  In the bottom of the pit, when all I've tried has failed me could be the very opportunity God uses to step in and deliver and get the glory because I clearly wasn't able to do it on my own so it had to have been God. 

So today, I'm grateful for those situations and I'm deciding to decide (lol) to try and allow God to walk me through it.  I really can't do it on my own.  Last night it was said "I can't but I can through God's help".  

And I'm grateful that God is willing to help me.  And I'm deciding to decide to try and allow God to renew my mind and then walk out that newness of mind.  I will yield my heart and my will and my spirit to the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in me and is resurrecting me even as we speak.  It's time I just grab hold and instead of focusing on what's going or gone wrong, I have to focus on the progress and what is going right and what God will continue to do... family got some great news today too so I'm very excited about that hehe..maybe some day I'll blog about that one ;)

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