Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learning :)

A few weeks ago God opened a door for a new experience for me.  This falls in line with what He's been speaking to my heart in this season of my life.  I'm so amazed as I sit and think about this - about all that He's done.  He knows what I'm struggling with and He has told me that He has specific promises for me but in order to receive them I need to move on from certain strongholds.  I very carefully say, I do believe this God-appointed "thing" that's happening is helping me overcome things.  I don't know where this "thing" is going.  But uncertainty does not have to equal fear or anxiety or sorrow.  I'm just letting it flow as God would ordain it.  I'm keeping positive and having fun with it - enjoying it - but at the same time trying to remain in the mindset that if certain things do not happen or are not as I thought, then it's ok.  Either way, I am choosing to thank God even now for what lesson this new experience is teaching me.  It's funny kuz I can see the promises and they're getting closer and I'm actually moving toward them with the grace and help of God.  I'm so excited :).  I just pray God would guard my heart and guide me in this new path.  I wanna do the right thing and if I'm at fault in any way I pray that He make that clear and shut the door.  But for now - hey it's wide open!  And it just keeps getting wider lol.  It's like...the signs are there but I dont want to settle for GOOD signs; I want GOD signs.

But for now, I am thoroughly enjoying myself.  This thing makes me so happy thinking about it - even if it's all just a silly dream.  Like I said, no matter what it's a learning experience and I am eternally grateful.  

Ok I hope that made sense kuz it's almost 1am.

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