Thursday, September 2, 2010

All I Need Is One Touch

I have so much to praise God for today - His perfect timing with me running into a friend I haven't seen in years or talked to in almost a year and allowing me to reconnect with her and allowing us to see how far we've come since we last and first met.  
- His safety, His provision, His favor and wisdom in school.

But I want to focus on one thing in particular that I experienced that was just amazing.  Here goes:

Last night after church I was so hyped and feeling the Spirit of God so strong so I just had to soak it all in and as I was meditating on my situation and all that's been happening God gave me a poem.  And I was hyped about it and wasn't sure if I should share it or what and I was all bubbly and then what I wrote actually hit me.  Because I know that I did not write it.  It was God writing to me and through me.  I'll share it some time.  What I will share is this: Acceptance is such a struggle for me.  I've often steered my life toward whatever it would take to hopefully get me "accepted" but God told me straight out last night...that's exactly what He wants from me...from all of us.  I suddenly felt the heart of God and I knew He understood me and I understood Him.  So I committed to try harder to accept Him and pay Him the respect and attention He deserves.  And then I fell asleep.

When I woke up I tried to get in His presence and I prayed but I just could feel like there was some tension there.  Opposition and distraction I suppose.  I tried to do some homework but I got frustrated and distracted and I was getting more and more irritated so I decided to just put on the tv.  I turned directly to the 700 club. As soon as I heard the person testifying of God's greatness I felt this peace flood me and this healing and mercy and grace and this joy and in that moment I was able to just praise God and then bring my situation to Him.  I was reminded of the scripture of how He is my "ever-present help in time of need".  I saw that all He wanted me to do was just FOCUS on Him just THINK about Him just SEEK Him and I realized HE IS ALL I NEED.  He is more than able to give me the strength that I need to go on.

So be encouraged.  I know a lot of us are battling a lot of different things.  It's not easy and we may have our good moments and bad moments but God is with us and He is mighty to save and deliver.  All He wants is our heart.  All He wants is to help us.  All we have to do is cry out in honesty.  All we have to do is shift our thinking.  Jesus is our righteousness.  Because of what He did we can "come boldly before the throne of grace" as the Bible says and when we're in His presence we'll find all we need.  God will not reject us.  It's us that reject God.  But the moment we call on God He is ready and willing to take us under His wings and fill us with His joy, heal us with His balm, renew us with His love.  All we have to do is ask.  

God bless.  Hope this has ministered to you.  

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