Friday, April 1, 2011

God thank You for Your protection in my life.  If it wasn't for You God - well...I actually do know where I would be...oh so many places I could be but I'm safe within Your reach.  Your hand is always upon me, guiding me.  Sometimes you allow me to experience things "on my own" but you're not too far to catch me when I fall flat on my face (lol).  Thank You that even with all the darts thrown at me and all the "stuff" flying at me, You raise a standard on my behalf against my enemies.  You always have a word of knowledge, mercy, grace for me.  You always send Your angels to minister salvation to me.  You. Are. Faithful. 

God thank You that You still use me in spite of me.  That Your plan for my life is huge and even this that I'm going through is part of that plan in the long run because...well...You know.  Thank You that it's You that ministers through me but that You minister to me as well as I follow Your plan.  Father thank You for allowing me to be a part of Your kingdom and Your plan....

God thank You that You see me for who I really am, not for my mistakes.  Though I stumble time and time again, You have given me keeping power that always sustains me and always helps me get back up again. 

Thank You times a million for everything...for being right on time and for the glimpses of glory that You give me in every situation. <3

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