Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego

Tonight we read the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fire.  I've read it a million times but tonight the speaker said something so very poignant that it lead me to repentance and worship.  Those three Jewish boys trusted their God even though they hadn't seen His hand move.  They had just had their town and temple ransacked.  They were a scattered people in captivity.  It almost seemed like God had forsaken them and yet they still trusted God so much that they were willing to be thrown into the fire for Him.  They didn't try to defend themselves because they trusted that God was their defender and deliverer.  They didn't give in to fear or idolatry.  They also loved God so much that previously to this they had done a fast (with Daniel).  It had never dawned on me before.  All this stuff that they'd been through yet they still had every reason to trust and love God.  So then, what right do I have to doubt, to not trust, to put something or someone above God?  What right do I have to get angry with Him and allow my circumstances or fear or emotions to steal the worship and glory of God?  What right do I have when I KNOW GOD!?  I've seen His mighty hand personally in my life.  Oh to have the faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego....

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