Thursday, November 8, 2012

Am I really worth more than this?
Then why don't many people value me?
And don't tell me it's because I don't value myself
Because I'm learning.
But people still treat me wrong.
And don't tell me it's how I carry myself
Because I know how to be confident
And beautiful and sexy.

Just how valuable am I?
More than two sparrows?
What are sparrows worth?
So just what ARE sparrows?
They're so little

And they have cute squeaky little voices.
Some say they don't contribute much to society 
And that they don't have much to give back for what's been given them.
But You created them
And You love them
And without any expectations You feed and clothe and protect them
Hmm...sounds like the relationship You have with me.

Just how much am I worth?
A life?
Of your family?
Of nations in my stead?
Before I was even born because You saw me then, today?
And You gave me a chance at tomorrow.
Wow. Now that's love.

Lord, God, Holy Spirit . . . 
No one on this earth could love me more than You do 
So I settle for whatever I can find - 
For people who may love me one day and abuse me the next?
Who treat me like a princess and then like a slave?
Who miss me who miss me who can't wait to see me and then they forget I exist?
I can't have the best so I settle for less and I don't question it
But maybe I sell myself too short?

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Two illustrations that God showed me today:

1- I heated up soup and it was really hot and yet I still kinda put my tongue on it. I knew it was gonna be hot / potentially burn me but I was like: instant gratification lol. I see this applies to other things too (ie: sin).  

2 - I was watching my dad play Angry Birds & he put the bird in the slingshot and pulled the slingshot back and then it launched the bird forward. Sometimes, we no we are about to be launched and we feel guilty when we feel like we've gone backwards but when something gets shot out of the slingshot / the bow, it goes back before going forward.  We need discernment to know whether we truly are going back (and it's our sinful nature / fault) or if we are just getting ready for God to launch us into our destiny.
