Monday, March 10, 2014

Waiting on the promises

Let me say that I have periods, particularly lately in fact, when I have started to feel cynical, hopeless, maybe even somewhat bitter. Why? Because I have often been told to remember God's promises. But when I think about God's promises I realize that there are some that have not come to pass yet. And it makes me wonder if that was really a word from God. It makes me wonder if it is ever going to happen or if I did something wrong and missed it. It makes me wonder if God is in control or if evil or sin or peoples' choices have won. 

But numerous places in the Bible we are told that God a) keeps His promises 
b) does not forget
c) keeps His covenant 
d) does not lie or repent 

And I remember - Abraham was 75 before receiving the promise from God and on top of that, he had to wait another 25 years before it came to pass. So what am I getting antsy about having to wait even a few decades? 

I also have to keep in mind that God is able to do the impossible and He is able to redeem the time and He is never late, even if it means "showing up" at the last second. I have evidence to testify to this fact. Hallelujah! I just need to remain faithful and not lose heart and release my burdens to God. He is the only one who can do what needs to be done. He is stronger than sin, stronger than habits, stronger than curses, stronger than all of it and all of us. 

God, healer of the broken, savior of me and my family, protector, deliverer, ruler of all the we need You today. We need You to be strong for us and help us to not lose heart. Help us to do only what You have asked of us and leave the rest in our hands. Father I pray for our emotions that You would give us victory of disappointment, fear, anguish, anger. Help us have joy in the process. Help us to CHOOSE joy and peace rather than just receiving what the evil one has tried to throw in our face or in our lives. We love You Lord and we acknowledge and appreciate Your faithfulness God. Please forgive us for all our sins. Stir us up again oh God to live for You and walk with You in the midst of all our circumstances. God You alone know what the person reading this is going through and what they are waiting for. Please give them Your peace and patience. See us through oh God. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. 

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