Sunday, January 18, 2015


Yesterday I was in the middle of asking God to help me to surrender. I got about half way through and He stopped me. And He was like: Stop asking me that. People may be confused by that but I knew what He meant. He didn't mean that I shouldn't ask for help. What He meant was that sometimes, at least for me, when I ask for help, it's an excuse. It's me saying, "God really I don't want to take responsibility so I'm going to act like I'm weak so that YOU'll do it for me." Something like that. So God told me: Just do it. So I lifted my hands and said "Ok God. I surrender. I'm taking my hands off of this. Only you can do it. But you CAN do it." Then of course when that happens, you may feel strong for a little while and then the battle comes when you REALLY have to believe God and you REALLY have to do what you said you were going to do - i.e., let God fight your battles. Aye. No es facil. It's not easy. BUT I know that I know that the ONLY one who can do it is God. I am just going to make things so much worse if I try to change things. So God, I'm taking my hands off of it and I'm gonna let You work Your miracles. 

People, hold on. When it seems CRAZY is when you're gonna want to give up the most but that's when you have to trust Him the most. When you really have to press in and praise Him and cry out to Him and seek Him and obey Him. You may be trying to fix things and while you're trying to fix it, you're actually blocking or delaying God's plan. Listen, one way or another, God's will will be done....I'm gonna pray....

God I pray right now for myself and all your children who are reading this. I pray God that we would cling to You God and hold on to You when we are scared. God, we believe that You are working things out when all Hell breaks loose. We believe that You have our lives, our families, our jobs, our health in Your hands. But sometimes it gets crazy and it's hard to just be still and know that You are God. So just hold Your people God. Hold us. God there are a lot of people right now who are hurting because You are in the process of or about to begin completing the work in their families or their lives but it's so scary and it's so painful. So please God I send Your word of comfort to them even right now. Hold us God. Have mercy on us, on our hearts. Comfort us and help us to say no when we need to say no. Help us to keep our peace in the midst of what we're going through or what is happening around us. Finish the work that You've started in us or start a work in our lives in those areas that we have been pidiendole - praying for for the longest time. God we need You. Let everyone receive Your peace tonight as they read this. And even those that are not reading this. God, they, we, need You. And we love You God and we desire to do Your will and we desire to see Your glory God. God have Your way. In Jesus' name. 

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