Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Word of God in Psalm 34:10 says that those who seek the LORD will lack no good thing. Psalm 23:1 says that the LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. . . . I once tried to tell my niece about Psalm 91 where it says that He will command His angels concerning you that your foot should not strike a stone. She replied: "but my foot has struck a stone before." She didn't understand at the time that we can't always take it literally. And it reminded me of this. These two scriptures say that God meets all of my needs. Philippians 4:19 also says that. However, first of all we have to look at the context. Second of all, David who wrote the Psalm knew what it was to be in lack. And you and I have had times when we're lacking something. Actually, if we didn't have lack, we wouldn't need a God or know Him as provider. 

I thought of this scripture in the following manner: to me I have experienced lack in my relationships. I have often felt like I was missing something or not completely satisfied. To be honest, I have had to battle with rejection and fear, with loneliness and bitterness. But God has shown me and is showing me: humans are fallible. And I of all people should know that since I am a fallible human just like the rest. Yes there have been times when people should have stepped up to the plate and didn't and there were times when I should have been there for someone or done something for someone and I didn't. But where others or I failed, God met the need. Maybe I don't have certain relationships with certain people, but I am still alive and I am resilient and healed. So God must've done something right. He would always either send someone else to meet my need, even in unexpected ways, or He himself would minister to me or miraculously save me or give me what I've needed. Even and perhaps especially when I didn't serve Him or I didn't ask. Even when I don't realize. 

I am surrounded by many people who genuinely love me and are committed to praying for me as the Spirit leads them. But they are not here in the middle of the night or in the times of my temptation. I can't always go to them to talk or pray. Just like I'm really not available 100% of the time. Nobody really is. But if people pray for me or think of me it's under the direction of God anyway. And regardless if I come to anyone's mind, God sees me. And I don't know if in these times people happen to be praying for me but I have learned how to pray for myself. And where I lack, the Holy Spirit prays for me. And when I can't think to pray or I'd rather fight or run, God dispatches His angels as Jesus intercedes. And then the battle passes and I can have some rest.

Are my feet going to occasionally strike a stone? Yes. Are people going to fail me? Yes. But when the smoke clears and my heart settles I understand that I am loved and surrounded by loving, praying people and a mighty and loving God. If I made it this far it's because I do not lack anything.

I truly can say, "All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me."

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