Sunday, July 10, 2011

Balm in Gilead

A bunch of times now I've heard about the "Balm in Gilead" and I wondered if it was biblical.  I mean, it sounded lovely but I wanted a scriptural reference for it.  Well I looked it up today and I was kind of disappointed with the first.  The only reference I could really find was from when Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers.  I didn't get it.  Why would something so beautiful, that causes so much healing come out of something that caused so much pain?  But....

That's how amazing our God is!

Genesis 50:20 reminds us that whatever is meant for our evil, God will turn it around for our good.  And doesn't that happen?  Yes!  Didn't it happen for Joseph?  Yes!  And it happens for us too.  Just like with us, you could say that Joseph's ministry was birthed in the pit!  Moreover, God still used Joseph when he was in slavery, etc.  Can you imagine how that brings glory to God?  Joseph's situation blew people away and that's what God does for us too.  His brothers, other prisoners, everyone must've thought he was good for nothing.  Hey, just like when they killed Jesus the devil thought he had destroyed God's plan but little did anyone know .... 

Talk about beauty from ashes, trash to treasure, mourning to dancing.  The balm of Gilead is described in the famous song as being used to bring healing and wholeness (spiritual, emotional, and physical) to people.  Amazing amazing amazing is all I can say - that even though the Gileadans (yeah.... I could make up words kuz I got it like that lol) played a major role in the what appeared to be the demise of Joseph - though it was a source of torture - God also used those people to bring healing.  And you know what, I would dare to say that the Word of God is our Balm of Gilead.  The story of Joseph.  All the stories in the bible.  There's always something I can relate to.  And the words of these stories are what makes me whole and healed if I allow them to take root and grow and if I take them by faith and if I apply them.  

~just some thoughts.  feel free to comment.~


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