Thursday, March 31, 2011

Aaron & Hurr

When you're on the battlefield we can't afford always to look back and see who's behind us.  That's why sometimes we feel like we're alone.  But we just have to trust that there are people behind us.  We have to remember we're in an army together and we are not going to desert each other.  Maybe we're fighting side by side - different enemies.  Maybe there are people behind us just guarding us.  Moses had Aaron and Hurr to lift up his arms.  I love how in the midst of everything, I KNOW that there are people lifting my arms.  Even though it feels so lonely sometimes I'll get these little glimpses that people are with me.  That's when I have to just TRUST.  

It's just hard because sometimes you cant always tell people what you need or what you're going through'll be ok...I'm sure God tells them hehe just like He sometimes tells me what other people need too so I can lift THEM up so of course He must be doing the same with them.  And to be honest, even though some situations look so dark and scary right now, I know that peoples' prayers and God's grace is keeping me....

So whoever's reading this, if you're my Aaron or my Hurr I thank u. <3

And if you're reading this and you feel like your arms are gonna fall off, I pray that the Lord would send you someone to lift those burdens and keep you and bless you and make you rise.  Amen. <3

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Words Words WORDDDDD!

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21

"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Proverbs 25:11

Just a while ago I was crying out to God telling Him how bad certain words have hurt me.  These words have broken me.  I said: God don't tell me these things (these beautiful things about who I am).  Don't you know what they say about me (Don't you know I'm always going to fail you?)?  And He said: Those things don't matter.  Those ways that you "fall short" we can work around those.  And I said: But God I don't want to fall short.  I feel so crushed by this stupid label.  But suddenly the Holy Spirit helped me to pray and I said: Thank You God that no matter what they say about me, when You see me You don't see the label.  You see Your Son.  And then it occurred to me: HE IS THE LIVING WORD! 

 I suddenly thought of the scripture: "The Word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

I said: Jesus I thank You that You are the Word.  As the scripture says: "1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning.
3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made....14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only,d who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1.  Thank You God that Your word is more powerful than these labels.  Thank You that You have the power to create with Your words.  Father can You recreate me?  And as I was praying this I found this scripture: 
"Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" Jeremiah  23:29.  

So now I have a new scripture to pray.  Lord, let Your Word be like fire and like a hammer that breaks the rocks that have been thrown at me including the rocks that I've thrown at myself.  And let it burn up anything that does not pertain to our identity in You. Yes: OUR.  I want this not only for me but for anyone else who is feeling the sting of careless words, even my own careless words.  Or even carefully-spoken malicious words.  (Kuz let's be real...sometimes we think out our attack before saying it...we want to make sure it hurts...well thank God I don't do that anymore and I'm becoming more careful and kind with my words....)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dont you just love when you're in the right place at the right time?  When you arrive at a particular moment and realize how God's hand has brought you to that point.

For instance: Today after class I went to the school bookstore before having dinner.  I found perfect (hopefully hehe) gifts for my bro and for my sister's baby shower.  Then I ran into a classmate of mine who had an important message for me from the professor.  Then I went to the cafeteria and ran into another friend of mine.  Or, leaving campus today I saw the bus at the bus stop and was able to run and catch it just in time. 

Little things like that....if I let it soak in it could really minister to me in a profound way: It gives me reason to trust God because if He's been so trustworthy with these things, He can be trusted with bigger things.  And these are only a few examples. 

Another is how I missed the bus yesterday and on the next bus was someone with a book that said "On Solid Ground".  Although it wasn't about Christ, that's what it made me think of and I thought: Wow! God arranged all these things - even someone who may not even know Him, even making her buy a book...better yet, a person writing a book and calling it that...and having her be on that bus reading that book at that time just so I could be reminded and brought to a place of worship.  *sigh* amazing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Cry of my Heart

God I thank You because You got me through this last season.  And now as I enter this new season, I'm trusting that You'll do the same because You never change but You change us.  I fear that the situation may not change but even if it doesn't that's not the important thing.  The important thing is that You deal with ME and MY HEART.  I hope it does change but there's nothing more that I can do about THAT part of it then pray.  But I need to not run away from this but praise You through it all.  Help me to keep my focus on You and my hope in You and not try to take things into my own hands and not try to "ignore" it.  And just hold my heart in the meantime as You always do.  Lord my heart is in Your hands, the safeset place to be.  I know that You hold me.  I know that You see my tears and hear my prayers.  I know that You're working in me and through me.  I know that this is for YOUR glory.  I thank You that I'm not alone because You are with me AND I know that You tell Your people how to pray for one another.  I thank You because I can SEE glimpses of what's to come of this.  I don't know if that's goals or faitih but whatever it is, it's working ;).  And thank You that I'm not letting this affect me.  That You have my education covered, my finances covered, my job covered, and I'm praying and believing that You have my health covered and that no weapon formed against me will prosper.  Jesus thank You for Your peace in the midst of the storm.

I love You and I trust You and yes I thank You for this...In Jesus' Name.....Amen.