Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be Ready!

Just had an interesting experience on yahoo pool and I wanted to blog it so I don't forget...

I usually don't like going on yahoo pool. There are a lot of ppl there that just want to "flirt." In fact one person invited me to a room and asked if I wanted to flirt. I said, "No. I'm just here to play pool." And I left. But this other guy...we started talking and he said he needed a girl to cuddle with to fall asleep and I felt led to tell him he doesn't need a girl. And it turns out he was a Christian but he had a very distorted view of God and salvation. I told him politely that what he was saying wasn't really biblical but he didn't want to hear it and he left. I don't think I did the wrong thing. Sometimes we need to be bold enough to gently correct people. I knew I just had to say something. I don't know if he received it but I pray he did. People, we never know when God is going to use us. I'm grateful I had the desire to play pool and I took the chance to talk to someone and I was able to try and speak truth and life to him. We have to be ready in and out of season. And, it goes to show that we need to really know the Word because we only have a limited time to defend our God or ourselves or our point of view and we need to be able to back up our answers with scripture. Unfortunately he left before I could find the exact verse I was looking for but who knows, I believe the seed was at least planted. Maybe he'll be hungry and go to the Word and seek it for himself and discover the truth. The bible also says we entertain angels every day so who knows if that was like a test....

I'm just so in awe of God. And I do pray that that person and all those who are confused by false doctrine would figure out the truth because the truth will set them free.

Also, it's interesting because I found myself encouraging him in areas where I also lately have needed encouragement. It was an opportunity for me to speak in faith / build my faith for my own situations as well. 

(And I won about half of the games :P)

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