Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Just gotta say....

Just gotta say...
God has given me certain of the desires of my heart.  Some of what I've been asking for is: to be able to spend more time and quality time with God and continue to develop a deeper relationship. and that He would help me in school.  He's done both of these things by causing me to make one critical adjustment.  Though I seek Him whenever and wherever, and at night I try to make sure to pray and pour out and receive from God, my main time of fellowship with God is now in the mornings.  Now no matter what happens during the day, I know that I've made time to speak to and hear from God.  I can stay up late doing homework and not feel bad that I'm going to crash as soon as my head hits the pillow.  I will have already taken time with God, which should be my main priority.  I've also noticed that I somehow tend to have more time to do things when I give the first bit of my time to God.  And I gotta say, even though I'm going through a lot right now, and I have my bad days or bad moments, overall I think I can say that I have more peace and joy than before because I am learning to make peace with God and with myself.  I am becoming more secure in my relationship with God.  When I get in His presence in the morning, I feel like He's with me all day (which He is anyway but I guess it makes me aware and helps me focus on noticing it).  I get this sense at various times through the day that my prayer that He would take control of the day is coming to pass.  When I get off the bus in the afternoon, or come into the house at night, or put my head on the pillow, I am reminded that God has answered my prayers for safety.  

I gotta say, I gotta believe, I'm getting stronger and being restored (little by little) and healed and set free and overcoming and I gotta say....it's all because I'm spending more time with God or even if I'm not spending a lot of "time" with God, my heart is in a better place and God honors that even if I make mistakes or dont quite feel it all the time.  

:) <3

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