Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hidden Treasure

I feel like I'm sitting on hidden treasure and I'm tired of it.  I know that God has given me gifts, fruits, talents, anointings, words...but I haven't been using them so much lately.  A wellspring of living water lives inside of me and I have yet to tap into its full power and potential.  I have to stay connected to the source - Jesus Christ.  The thing is, if you don't use something right away or consistently, after a while you could forget it's there.  It gets all buried and dusty.'s still there.  And as you clean up you start to find it.  

My prayer is: God help me to be obedient and faithful and consistent...humble yet the small things because I know You want to trust me with more.  Help me stay connected to you so I can bear much fruit.  Open my eyes, my ears and my heart so when you send me opportunities to bless someone and bless You, I can do that.  And when I do, I will know that it's not me but YOU.  And may YOU be glorified in all that I do.

God has given me (and people around me) visions and dreams and little sneak previews into the future.  I can sorta see it happening now.  But I so wanna get there.  God knows what needs to happen to get me to that point.  I'm so tired of stifling my potential.  Do whatever it takes God because I want my time on earth to be valuable.

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