Monday, December 20, 2010

Hehe God is so sweet :)

This morning and this afternoon too right before the test I was praying "Lord be with me" and "Lord help me" and even "Lord encourage me." I went into the classroom and decided on a seat and I look down and what do I see on the desk? GRAFITTIIIIII!  I thought it said "Lord Angst" I was like "haha even though I have angst the Lord is still LORD" then I thought it said "Lord Anger" like "the Lord is still Lord over my anger" but then I realized it said ANGEL! Another place it said "TRUTH" and somewhere else, I think "church" and "Love" and it even had a heart. LoL God is so sweet and so faithful! At one point I was stressin kuz I did forget some things but I said "How can I be nervous or upset when I have this little love note from God".  I know I got some stuff wrong but at least I kept my cool despite all "obstacles" and I did pretty good on the other parts. It was just a few points I probably got taken off but I'm sure I did good. And I also remembered about the lovely curve :D

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