Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thank God for His protection

My healing depends on my words and maybe someone else's too.  I can't get into detail but I have to write a little something about a particular situation.  When fear and other emotions try to take over, praise will be my victory.  In the Bible, Judah gave birth to Perez.  Judah means praise and Perez means breakthrough.  Thank You Father!

So the thing that hurt the most about the situation was that I didn't expect it to happen.  Not once, not twice, not ever.  I was mad.  Why did God allow this to happen?  Was it something that I did wrong?  But after a recent trigger and after being a little upset at my reaction I decided to start considering...

a) God said that no weapon formed against me will prosper (Isaiah 54:17).  That DOES NOT mean that evil won't try and touch me.  It implies that: If anyone or anything does try to come against me, He will be with me.  He will protect me in that it won't be as bad as it could have been.  And, if He should for some reason allow something to hurt me, He will heal me and deliver me and so the evil won't stay on me - not even the residue.  Romans 8:28.

b) Next time, if there is a next time (though I hope there isn't) I'm praying that I may be able to use the weapons of my warfare immediately and appropriately.  But I thank God that even the little bit of warfare I did proved to be enough.  I know His angels were covering me and I am so grateful for that.  Though I felt like my voice was so little and ineffective, I saw that the darkness recognized the light and got scared away.  Greater is He that's in me than He that's in the world.

So even though it still hurts, I can still praise God and all I can do is give Him my emotions.  Jasmine and Luke say "What is the Lord trying to show you?"  So I intend to seek God and ask Him what He's trying to show me and let Him perfect His will and His work in my life.  In order to let go I gotta confront the issue.  Sigh.  It's painful but it's more painful to hold on to the pain....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hehe God is so sweet :)

This morning and this afternoon too right before the test I was praying "Lord be with me" and "Lord help me" and even "Lord encourage me." I went into the classroom and decided on a seat and I look down and what do I see on the desk? GRAFITTIIIIII!  I thought it said "Lord Angst" I was like "haha even though I have angst the Lord is still LORD" then I thought it said "Lord Anger" like "the Lord is still Lord over my anger" but then I realized it said ANGEL! Another place it said "TRUTH" and somewhere else, I think "church" and "Love" and it even had a heart. LoL God is so sweet and so faithful! At one point I was stressin kuz I did forget some things but I said "How can I be nervous or upset when I have this little love note from God".  I know I got some stuff wrong but at least I kept my cool despite all "obstacles" and I did pretty good on the other parts. It was just a few points I probably got taken off but I'm sure I did good. And I also remembered about the lovely curve :D

Monday, December 13, 2010


I havent read the whole bible yet but so far I've yet to find, in the scriptures I've read and in what I know of God, anywhere or anything to indicate that healing is revocable.  It's true that healing is sometimes conditional, however....what I learned is...

- God is more faithful than we are. 
- (I have to believe that) God's love for us and plan for us is much more important and powerful than our sin and the consequences and punishments of such. 
- (I have to believe that) I can not mess up God's plan for my life. 

We all fall but God picks us back up again.  He will never leave us or forsake us and is always giving us opportunities to come back and be restored. 

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has healed me.  Even though I fall, as I receive His mercy and love, He strengthens, heals and restores me over and over again.

It's almost too much to wrap my head around but my head doesn't need to know - it's my spirit. And God's deep calls to my deep and tells me "It's gonna be ok.  I know you better and I love you regardless."  God is willing to look past my failures because He knows how much I love Him. 

I hope someone is encouraged by reading this....that's what it's all about.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Don't Wanna Miss The Chance

I pray: "God use me" but then He gives me an opportunity and it's not what I expected or not what I feel like doing or think I can do or at a "bad time" and I miss the chance.

I pray: "God bless this person.  Show them Your love.  Surround them with Your ministering angels." But I look and I'm the only one there.  

I realize You're trying to use me.

And I could say "God why them?" or "God why me?"

I could say "I can't deal with this." or "I shouldn't have to."

But You say that You've given me all that I need.  You say this is what You've called me for.  You say You welcome me to partake in something holy and special.  

You, the same God that created the heavens, the earth, and even me!  You could have chosen anyone else but You chose ME for this specific task?

It's both humbling and encouraging.  Scary and exciting.  

I am Your sheep and I know Your voice.

Pastor me God.

Shepherd me.

Show me Your ways.

Guide me with Your staff and rod.  Lead me in Your Spirit and love.  

Where You lead me, if You're with me, I will go there.  I can't wait to see what I find!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hidden Treasure

I feel like I'm sitting on hidden treasure and I'm tired of it.  I know that God has given me gifts, fruits, talents, anointings, words...but I haven't been using them so much lately.  A wellspring of living water lives inside of me and I have yet to tap into its full power and potential.  I have to stay connected to the source - Jesus Christ.  The thing is, if you don't use something right away or consistently, after a while you could forget it's there.  It gets all buried and dusty.  But...it's still there.  And as you clean up you start to find it.  

My prayer is: God help me to be obedient and faithful and consistent...humble yet confident...in the small things because I know You want to trust me with more.  Help me stay connected to you so I can bear much fruit.  Open my eyes, my ears and my heart so when you send me opportunities to bless someone and bless You, I can do that.  And when I do, I will know that it's not me but YOU.  And may YOU be glorified in all that I do.

God has given me (and people around me) visions and dreams and little sneak previews into the future.  I can sorta see it happening now.  But I so wanna get there.  God knows what needs to happen to get me to that point.  I'm so tired of stifling my potential.  Do whatever it takes God because I want my time on earth to be valuable.