Thursday, November 27, 2014

Psalm 40:1-10 and Psalm 30:6-7 - A personal story

Been looking for this psalm for the longest now...I've heard it so often...I forgot where it was but finally tonight I remembered and it was as if I had known it all along. Guess tonight was the night to find it :)

This is one portion of scripture that represents my life.

I can't even express the depth and darkness and sliminess of the pit that I was in. But He lifted me up above my circumstances, above my sickness, above my sin, and He brought me to a place where I could be secure. I am only secure in Him. Lately I've been meditating on Psalm 30, which is another psalm about God's salvation and deliverance, but I've been meditating on verses 6-7 where it says "Now as for me, I said in my prosperity, 'I will never be moved.' O LORD, by Your favor You have made my mountain to stand strong; You hid Your face, I was dismayed.…" Later David testifies that the LORD heard his cry and had mercy and helped him. I'm reminded that I cannot do this on my own. Without God, I shutter to think where I would be right now. I would not have met such amazing people. I would probably not be connected to the loving family and friends that I have. I would not have been able to go to school, graduate with honors and become a counselor. 

Now Psalm 40 continues in verse 3 "He has put a new song of praise in my mouth." The enemy has ALWAYS tried to steal my worship. BUT GOD!!! He has truly allowed me to worship. It is a privilege and an honor to worship God and it is warfare. At times it has not been easy but the more I focus on God the easier it becomes to praise Him. I can't even begin to express the power in praise and worship. 

The second part of that verse says that "Many will see and fear the LorD and put their trust in him." Oh Lord, how I believe and pray that this is true. I know it is because I have already been told by various people that I inspire them. All glory to God and that is what it is all about. It's all worth it to be able to show people that God is real and that God heals and that what He did for me He can do for them. I would not wish my past on anyone. And I still have some residue for God to clean up. But I am believing that "Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in Him."

Verse 4 - Oh I have been known to idolize things, people, behaviors, etc. I've turned to people instead of God but God always has a way of bringing me back. 

Verse 5 - Yes, yes, yes. I can never fully describe all the wonders He has done. Oh many things; so many things. 

Verse 6-8 - God has changed my heart so that now my desire is to please him and to stay connected with His heart. I am learning that it is not about what I do or resist doing; living this Christian life is a matter of the heart. It's saying: "God, I want to do your will and not mine." The phrase "My ears you have opened" indicates commitment. In the days of the bible, people used to have their masters pierce (put a hook through) their ears to show that they were committed to them. So I'm saying "God, I'm Yours."

 Verse 9-10 - When God has done something amazing it is natural that you should, usually, want to declare the works of the Lord. At times I've been ashamed of my past and there are still things that are sometimes painful to talk about, but it is important to share these things because I KNOW that I am not the only one to have gone through those things. Some things are not going to be as bad as what others have gone through and some things might be worse. Depends on the person. But we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). God has taken away my shame and guilt and there is someone who needs to hear my story <3.

And then in Verses 11-15 and 17 bring it back...David had experienced deliverance but then he faced ANOTHER situation where he needed God. I reflect on my current situations...but what I'm thankful for is that in the beginning of this psalm, David remembers the good things that God had already done. This is how he can encourage himself. And this is how I can believe that He will deliver me from this situation as well....He's done it before and maybe in a lot of ways that situation was even worse!! This, I can handle this...I feel like I can't at times but I have to remember all His benefits (Psalm 103) and how He has been there for me through EVERYTHING and how He has always been mighty to save. And, now I know Him. I have an added buffer, an added strength and fortitude, added wisdom and power. God has always been with me, but NOW, I am with GOD! NOW, we are ONE and that makes ALL the difference. I can testify to that! .... Now I know how to pray, now I know how to worship, now I know how to fight. I can overcome anything with the help and grace and will of the Lord.

In Verse 16 David cries out on behalf of everyone and so I end this blog by praying that "
all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, 'The Lord is great!' just as I have been able to do. <3

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