Sunday, December 28, 2014

On Giving Gifts: A Christmas Reflection

Reflecting on this Christmas and of course, you know, I gotta bring God into it. Why? Because that's how God speaks to me, through everyday situations. 

So, in my family, we usually make lists of what we want and give them to the family so we know what to get each toher. I was reflecting on the fact that every gift I got this year was so thoughtful. It was based on what my friends and family knew I liked or needed or would be interested in. I got some things that were not on my list and some items I got multiples of lol. 

It made me think of God. The scriptures that come to mind are: Luke 11:13, James 1:17 and Ephesians 3:20.

"If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." 

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

Oh, also it reminds me of Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." 

and James 4:2 "You do not have, because you do not ask."


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cleaning Process

A quick post about something God showed me today. Love these times when He quiets me with His love.

I was vacuuming today and I kept having to go over the same spot over and over again. That either happens when I haven't vacuumed in a while or if the dirt has been there for a while. Well God showed me that's how it is with me and others sometimes. I feel bad at times when I have to go revisit the same things I thought I was done with. But God was showing me, it's hard work, you have to be kind of forceful...if you're gentle it takes longer too, and the thing is there are some deep-seated issues that are going to have to be worked out...with pressure and commitment and strength and's ok!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Some of Tonight's Teaching

Tonight while worshiping God showed me my heart. Recently He showed me one of the problems with my heart, one of the lies that I had believed for so so so so long. He showed me tonight how that was affecting me today. He truly quiets me with His love (Zephaniah 3:17). Aye aye aye. And all I could do was pray that He would help me walk out this freedom (because His truth sets me free...John 8:32) in day to day life. I feel how necessary this healing is. A deep healing because that lie infests my mind and shapes my behavior and God has been pointing out little by little, because I've asked Him to, where the issue manifests. Praise God.

Then Pastor Eugene stated that no matter what happened this year, nothing can stop the plans of God in/for your life. Not only was this confirmation of a piece of writing I've been working on, but this applies directly to me because I know I've made a lot of mistakes in this year (every year, every day, but you know, I feel like some things really hit me hard) and I beat myself up over it sometimes. And sometimes I ask myself if things would've been different and if I stopped or hindered or changed the plans God had for me. But He consistently reminds me that His will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Oh for the faith and grace to believe that, to forgive myself, and to walk in that.

He said that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. And sometimes we stay stuck in yesterday and we don't realize Jesus was there and He is still here and He is still doing a work in us. I loved that! He really broke it down. I didn't think of it like that, that Jesus was there yesterday and He is in our today and He will be in our tomorrow. God is so so good. 

I have more to say but I'm going to put it in the next blog because it does not completely pertain to the same theme as this, though it has to do with tonight. I next want to share something that the Lord showed me, personally, in my own situation. I hope you can be encouraged and ministered to...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Psalm 40:1-10 and Psalm 30:6-7 - A personal story

Been looking for this psalm for the longest now...I've heard it so often...I forgot where it was but finally tonight I remembered and it was as if I had known it all along. Guess tonight was the night to find it :)

This is one portion of scripture that represents my life.

I can't even express the depth and darkness and sliminess of the pit that I was in. But He lifted me up above my circumstances, above my sickness, above my sin, and He brought me to a place where I could be secure. I am only secure in Him. Lately I've been meditating on Psalm 30, which is another psalm about God's salvation and deliverance, but I've been meditating on verses 6-7 where it says "Now as for me, I said in my prosperity, 'I will never be moved.' O LORD, by Your favor You have made my mountain to stand strong; You hid Your face, I was dismayed.…" Later David testifies that the LORD heard his cry and had mercy and helped him. I'm reminded that I cannot do this on my own. Without God, I shutter to think where I would be right now. I would not have met such amazing people. I would probably not be connected to the loving family and friends that I have. I would not have been able to go to school, graduate with honors and become a counselor. 

Now Psalm 40 continues in verse 3 "He has put a new song of praise in my mouth." The enemy has ALWAYS tried to steal my worship. BUT GOD!!! He has truly allowed me to worship. It is a privilege and an honor to worship God and it is warfare. At times it has not been easy but the more I focus on God the easier it becomes to praise Him. I can't even begin to express the power in praise and worship. 

The second part of that verse says that "Many will see and fear the LorD and put their trust in him." Oh Lord, how I believe and pray that this is true. I know it is because I have already been told by various people that I inspire them. All glory to God and that is what it is all about. It's all worth it to be able to show people that God is real and that God heals and that what He did for me He can do for them. I would not wish my past on anyone. And I still have some residue for God to clean up. But I am believing that "Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in Him."

Verse 4 - Oh I have been known to idolize things, people, behaviors, etc. I've turned to people instead of God but God always has a way of bringing me back. 

Verse 5 - Yes, yes, yes. I can never fully describe all the wonders He has done. Oh many things; so many things. 

Verse 6-8 - God has changed my heart so that now my desire is to please him and to stay connected with His heart. I am learning that it is not about what I do or resist doing; living this Christian life is a matter of the heart. It's saying: "God, I want to do your will and not mine." The phrase "My ears you have opened" indicates commitment. In the days of the bible, people used to have their masters pierce (put a hook through) their ears to show that they were committed to them. So I'm saying "God, I'm Yours."

 Verse 9-10 - When God has done something amazing it is natural that you should, usually, want to declare the works of the Lord. At times I've been ashamed of my past and there are still things that are sometimes painful to talk about, but it is important to share these things because I KNOW that I am not the only one to have gone through those things. Some things are not going to be as bad as what others have gone through and some things might be worse. Depends on the person. But we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). God has taken away my shame and guilt and there is someone who needs to hear my story <3.

And then in Verses 11-15 and 17 bring it back...David had experienced deliverance but then he faced ANOTHER situation where he needed God. I reflect on my current situations...but what I'm thankful for is that in the beginning of this psalm, David remembers the good things that God had already done. This is how he can encourage himself. And this is how I can believe that He will deliver me from this situation as well....He's done it before and maybe in a lot of ways that situation was even worse!! This, I can handle this...I feel like I can't at times but I have to remember all His benefits (Psalm 103) and how He has been there for me through EVERYTHING and how He has always been mighty to save. And, now I know Him. I have an added buffer, an added strength and fortitude, added wisdom and power. God has always been with me, but NOW, I am with GOD! NOW, we are ONE and that makes ALL the difference. I can testify to that! .... Now I know how to pray, now I know how to worship, now I know how to fight. I can overcome anything with the help and grace and will of the Lord.

In Verse 16 David cries out on behalf of everyone and so I end this blog by praying that "
all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, 'The Lord is great!' just as I have been able to do. <3

Monday, November 24, 2014


No one is a lone soldier. I'm so thankful for the people God has surrounded me with in this season of my life - people who love me, restore me, teach me, and help me grow. For years I've run from people and run from my calling, feeling like I shouldn't or couldn't be around them because I was not as mature as them or struggled with things they probably didn't struggled with or I wasn't as committed as them or couldn't do things that they did. I came up with all sorts of excuses as to why I should be disqualified. Sometimes I probably disqualified other people too in the past. But now I have peace knowing that we all go through things and everyone's walk is different and that's ok. No one can judge anyone; no one is perfect and we can't say that one person is better than the next. It's just we may go through different things or handle things differently. They have learned certain lessons that I still need to learn and maybe I've learned a few that they could stand to understand. I am able to glean from them. And it's not like: "God I wanna pray how she prays. I wanna sing how she sings. I wanna study as much as him." It's "hey, they went through this, that, and the third, and they are still completely devoted to you. Hey, this person is going through a lot but she fights through it with prayer. That person sings their heart out and it's pure and she presses through. Man, did you see how that person prayed with FAITH believing for the impossible? And did you see how God acted on her behalf?" I am beginning to know and understand the calling of God on my life and so God has surrounded me with people who, I don't have to be carbon copies of but who I can learn from. And God has also shown me that even though I may not be as "mature" as other people (and in a lot of ways, yeah, I am still immature. I still have a lot to learn and surrender and grow and develop and develop discipline in) I still have something to offer. 

I have come a long way and sometimes I want to just RUN because it seems overwhelming, because I never thought I could be here, because I'm afraid of what the future holds and the cost of following God and growing in God. But He works all things out for my good and I want to be bold and courageous and I want to go to the grave EMPTY. I want to fulfill every plan that God has for me. 

One of the main things that I've had to do is learn to validate myself. Some people validate me and some people put me down (not even meaning to). I've been learning, however, that the important thing is that God validates me, affirms me and gives me the STRENGTH, to look myself in the mirror and say "I am ....." (and fill in the blank with the things that He has called me to be). 

David started as a shepherd and his brothers always saw him as a shepherd and he probably saw himself as a shepherd. But he learned to rely on God and seek God and trust God and obey God. He learned to see himself as a worshiper and as a mighty man of God, a man after God's own heart. 

Abraham was old. He and Noah both had to WAIT for the promise of God to be fulfilled. They and Hannah probably felt like God had forgotten them or forgotten what He had promised. Sometimes the process is slow but other times God acts SUDDENLY. God can redeem the time that it takes while things or people are being prepared. And not a moment is wasted. God called a lot of people when they were young and he called a lot of people when they were old. No matter what season we are in life, God can use us. It's not too late to turn to God or be used by God. 

Those that really know me know that I am called the Butterfly. It represents the transformation that God has done in my life. I used to be so shy. I went through a FIGHT for my SOUL. I still fight, probably every day, but I have gotten stronger and bolder. And it comes from getting closer to God and surrendering more and more of my heart to Him. I am not the same person I was when I came to Christ and the person you see today, you will not see after a while ... well some things will remain the same (my passion, my heart, my curiosity, my intelligence, my shoulders and collarbone [haha...inside joke], my eyes and eyelashes lol, my gift of language and writing, etc). But there will be things that will grow (my prayer life, my devotion to God, my boldness, my humility, etc.) and there will be things that will be pruned away (my need for control, my stubbornness, my fear, etc). To God be the glory. He prunes that which bears fruit to bear more fruit and He disciplines those He loves.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Boasting in my Weaknesses

2 Corinthians 12:5-10
I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses. Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say, or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

I get weary at times and I get discouraged. But what helps is changing my perspective from complaining to praising. Like it happened today. I could be upset by my weaknesses or I can choose to thank God...Last night I told God I would praise Him even if He didn't heal me, just like the three Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3:17-18. It's a hard thing to pray and something I have to remind myself of daily. And then today, I was upset about certain things that I'm struggling with but I also thanked God. He knows where I'm weak and He makes up for it. I could not live without Him. He provides for everything I need in order to live this life for Him and be successful. I'm thankful because He only lets the fire hit us but so much. And, He is always with me, wherever I am. I really do have to call out to Him all the time.

 I'm like: God I can't do this. But He reminds me,, "No you can't. You can't do it alone but I can help you." If I focus on what I struggle with I stay stuck there but if I say "God help me" He brings me what I need, even if it's just for the moment. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Spirit vs Flesh

My spirit asks, like the Psalmist in Psalm 42:2 "When can I go to meet with God?". My spirit pants for God like a deer pants for living water (Psalm 42:1). But my flesh longs for something else. My flesh quotes Psalm 139:7 "Where can I go to hide from your Spirit" but not in a good way. There is a battle between my flesh and my spirit. We both hear the spirit of God moving in the garden. The difference is: my flesh is ashamed of its nakedness, while my spirit acknowledges that it is clothed with Christ. 

My spirit longs for God but my flesh is afraid. My spirit finds life in Christ, my flesh encounters death. Both my spirit and my flesh are hungry. And the Bible tells me in Galatians 5:16-17 that if I walk in the spirit I won't satisfy the flesh. Kuz the flesh and the spirit are against each other. And if I keep giving in to the flesh it is only satisfied temporarily and then it wants more and more than I can give it and it will only lead me to more sins. It'll lead me to say, as I was sharing with someone the other day, "Let's go deeper down the rabbit hole. I'm already here, might as well see what else is down here and how far it goes". No bueno. 

Interesting too, this scripture says that if you're led by the spirit, you're not under the law. It confirms what Paul says to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 3:6: He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. If I walk in the spirit I don't have to worry about being perfect. Because we all fall short but all are freely justified in Christ.

Jesus exhorted his disciples in Matthew 26:41 - "Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Oh but I think at times, the problem is that the FLESH is too strong. Well, really it's the temptation that's strong. So yeah, in that sense, the flesh is weak. Paul says in Romans 7:23 that "there is a war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me." In the following verse he says that his flesh is subject to death. Again it confirms, if I walk in the flesh I can only expect to find death. Indeed, the flesh is weak. The flesh does not want to fight back..well, rather, it wants to fight back but, of course, it's not suicidal. It does not want to fight against itself. It does not want to yield to God. Rather, the flesh wants to satisfy itself and run from God. As was previously mentioned, the flesh is at war with the spirit. LOL, the brother that was ministering tonight said something so interesting and profound; I loved the way he described Romans 12:1-2. I'm supposed to offer my body as a sacrifice, right? Well he pointed out, we are supposed to offer our bodies as LIVING sacrifices. LOL, he said "That sacrifice wants to jump off the altar". See most sacrifices were dead when they offered them. But the flesh is feisty. It's not stupid; it knows its fate. It's like when Abraham was gonna sacrifice his son and his son said 'Hey dad, I see the firewood and all but where's the sacrifice.' My flesh is like, "Hey Jess, I smell burning...what's cooking and why is it so hot in here? Why am I sweating? Hmm?" (LoL. The way God talks to me...) 

As someone pointed out tonight, til the day we die we're gonna be fighting this flesh. The thing is, it really does have to do with the mind. I have to decide that living for God in every area of my life is more important and worth it than trying to satisfy my flesh. And I have to decide that God in me is capable of helping me overcome. I have to truly believe that His word is true that says that "It is for freedom that Christ set you free" and thus choose to "not be burdened again by the yoke of slavery" (Galatians 5).

Friday, November 7, 2014

Water the dirt

Just a quick bit of inspiration...

My mom has these plants and she sometimes asks me (or should I say, I sometimes remember) to water them. Well there are these two pots that have only what looks like dirt in them. But I almost always water them. Because I always feel like there might be a seed there and I just don't see the plant yet. Didn't water the plants today lol but I thought of that and God showed me it's like: People may just see DIRT but GOD knows that He has planted a seed down there under the dirt. So may we be encouraged to water the dirt because there may be a seed that I just don't see yet!

On Integrity

Believing that God will honor my faithfulness and open the right doors of favor and opportunity. I'd rather wait on God and be in His will and His position and His timing than push my way in due to laziness, anxiety, or just plain wrongness. I know better. Even if some would justify it, there could be no way for me to reconcile it in my head. And because I am going to do the right thing I believe that God is going to honor me for making the right decision. Even if I don't understand what He's doing, even if I'm afraid my plans won't work out (but they will...well, God's plans are better and I'm aligning myself with those plans), I choose to be a woman of integrity. Kuz at the end, even if no one else sees it, God sees it. Even if others don't think it's important or wise, in the end, integrity and morality and holiness is what's important. Why gain the whole world and lose my soul? Why ruin what God has for me just to make money or to step into something before God's timing? Pray for me people. I need not fear because this is the right decision. God's timing is so much better than mine. I want my life and my hands to be blessed. Sometimes making the right decision is ... it's not hard kuz I know right from wrong ... but it's like, painful and a little scary. Because you have all these thoughts and timelines in your mind of how your world is gonna look and when you are going to attain certain milestones or reach certain milestones and then God wakes you up and says: "My child, you know better. You know what you have to do." And so you do it even though people would say "Eh just go for it" or "No one's gonna know" or whatever they'll say. One day I'm gonna look back on this and be thankful. I already am. And, the funny thing is, most people, we think they're gonna think we're crazy but most of the time when we do God's will they're actually pretty supportive... :D 

I honor God with my life. My God loves me and the way I show Him I love Him back is by living for Him, not for the world and being obedient.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

God thinks we're beautiful

So I was walking home from church today and I saw all the leaves on the ground. But I saw the most beautiful colors, like one in particular that was a deep deep red. And I'm thinking: Oh my goodness...this is breathtaking. And oh man, this is what God sees in us. Even when we're fallen He loves us so "bigly" (lol) that He still sees our beauty. And oh man the conviction that swept over me: What right do I have to judge my brother or sister when they fall? If God has shown mercy to us we'd better show mercy to our brothers and sisters in Christ and lift them up and pray for them instead of judging...

It also made me think of how the pearl is dug out of a nasty, smelly shell but the people go and LOOK for them, IN that nasty mess. And that's what God does to us. He looks for us in the mess. And, diamonds are buried under dirt. And when I did a google image search for diamonds underground I saw people mining for diamonds in caves. I'm reminded that God searches for us in our He did to Elijah in the Bible when he was hiding from Jezebel...and Gideon was hiding in a winepress underground and God encountered him.

And the thing is, the miners, the jewelers, the Lord, they see through all the dirt and everything and see the finished product. God told me, there will people who will only want to see us when we're good and will not be willing to dig in the dirt for us or take us through the process. It's like the story of the hen that kept asking if the other animals would want to help her bake the bread and everyone said no but they were more than happy to eat it. Some people will be more than happy when we're good enough to benefit them BUT GOD...God takes us through the entire thing. He is not afraid to get messy and smelly and hot and tired. And thank God for the people too....kuz yes there will be times when we have to go through things alone, just us and God, but many times God will send us people to see us and love us through the process. 

Finally, are we willing to see people through or are we going to just love each other when we're good for each other? Are we gonna still show our brothers and sisters love and see them as beautiful even if they fall? Even if they're in the dirt? I pray that we may be anointed to love on each other and pray for each other. Kuz yes, I can't love people in my own strength. And I have to check myself often: "Am I willing to be loving?" By the grace of God, we can be His hands and feet and heart and arms for someone who needs us....

Saturday, November 1, 2014

On the omniscience and omnipresence of God.

What I love about God is that He knew from the beginning: a) that there would be a special service instead of divine design tonight that I would not really be up to going to b) that I would meet people from Sunset Park Community Church and I would go to a fellowship and get invited to a Thanksgiving potluck tonight c) that I would be going through some STUFF [before any of this started happening God told me: Psalm 46!!!] d) that I would have an appointment on Friday in Gravesend and would decide to push through my feelings and walk all the way to Dyker Heights, especially because I thought the train wasn't running...well He knew that too. e) that I would see a sign from a restaurant saying "Puritan Restaurant where everyday's a feast." and He knew that I would receive that as a message and I would pray: What are you trying to show me God? And f) He knew that at this fellowship tonight that I was going to attend was going to share on Puritans and how we are pilgrims and about Thanksgiving and it would be the answer to my prayer and our spirits would be jumping and I would feel like crying out of excitement and she would feel the fire of God and was blessed that I took that picture and shared it with her and someone else. He really really does walk with me and have me in the palm of His hand. I'm so amazed by His love.

He also knew that during that same walk I took yesterday, just before that, I would see a sign on a diner that would say "Celebrate the Seasons" and then a few blocks later He would have me turn and look at a car dealership and I asked "What was I looking for?" and I looked again and saw a sign saying "New season, new memories". And a little while later, a market called "Grace Farm". Amazing amazing God. He constantly reminds me that His grace is sufficient. And when I got to church today and we were to tell each other what word God has given us I had to share that He has told me His grace is sufficient...I forgot about the picture. But I said, "God but what about THIS situation? I need a word in this situation." And He reminded me of these two pictures about seasons. His word for me in this season is to rest and relax and rejoice. And to make new memories. Enjoy life. Enjoy being there for people. Also, I wrote some petitions to be submitted to the Lord and pastor prayed that some would even be answered today. As I'm walking around church saying goodbye to people a lady comes up to me and asks me a personal question and when I told her about my situation she began praying for my healing. WoW! And I legit feel like the situation is already a little better. Praise be to God for His love. He acts on my faith. So beautiful to be aligned to Him. His love and His presence makes it worth it. 


Friday, September 26, 2014

"This is what it is to be held...."

I thank God that He knows exactly what we need. I thank God that He does not change with the shifting shadows. He is not surprised by our circumstances. Father knows best. He sees the end from the beginning. Prayer and putting on the armor of God and anointing myself will not always prevent painful things from happening. Sometimes it will not necessarily even make it less painful. But I do believe that if we partner with God He will wrap us in His arms and quiet us with His love. He will hold us. He will hold us. He will hold us. Sometimes that will be in the form of just sitting with us while we cry. Sometimes we won't even feel His presence but it is in those moments that we just have to trust Him, trust in what we know of Him and/or have experienced, trust that He is who He says He is. And then sometimes, He will hold us by sending people in our lives to speak the truth in love, or to sit with us as we cry and hold our hands and rub our backs and give us tissues and buy us dessert and just listen to us. Or by sending people to make time out of their busy lives for us, for people who will check their messages or poke us to make sure we're okay. And then they'll remind us of who God is and who we are. And they'll remind us that nothing can pluck us from His hand. Sometimes God will hold us by preparing us - by telling us how to guard our hearts and our minds, or by sending little children or people for us to love on, and this will quiet our hearts. Sometimes He holds us just by literally being the breath that we breathe or giving us even a few moments or a few hours of sweet rest. He says "Be still and know I am God." He says "You can't control other peoples' reactions or behaviors. You can only control your own." And He always always reminds us that He is with us. His promises are yes and amen but sometimes His answers to prayer are no and amen. Sometimes He has bigger plans that we can imagine. We don't always want things to change. We don't want to stir the pot. We're afraid of peoples' reactions. Sometimes an uncomfortable situation could feel more comfortable than change. But sometimes God has better for us. Only God could turn a painful season into a season of love and trust and healing. Only God can bring peace in the middle of a hurricane season. God, comfort Your people, whoever needs it. Whoever needs a touch from you. You alone are God and You alone know what Your people need. Nothing surprises You and nothing is too big for You. 

Love You,

Friday, June 20, 2014

I say this to the glory of God...

On Wednesday Pastor Felix had prayed that God would use us to tell someone Jesus loves them. God is so faithful and this morning He had me get on a particular train at a particular time and a particular car and see this young man. I don't like to look at young (or old) men, don't like to talk to them. In the past I would have judged him but immediately the thought popped into my head: Tell him Jesus loves him. And I started praying. I did not go on facebook. I did not play games. I prayed. I prepared. I made deals with God lol and tried to get out of it. And so part of my prayer was that Jesus would help him with anything he may be going through. I asked the Lord for a sign as confirmation. It happened. I asked for a second confirmation. It happened as well, and along with the first one again lol - just in case I didn't get it the first time. So finally I asked if I could tell him something and I tried to find the words. I pray that I spoke the words God wanted me to speak. Part of it was just that Jesus can help you through whatever issues or anything if you just cry out to Him. Get to know Him. He loves you so much. Then God told me to ask him if anyone's ever told him that before. He said "No not really." I was flabbergasted! Even though I still can't quite grasp God's love but I know that He loves me and I take it for granted and take it for granted that I have people in my life that are going to remind me of this. And this boy has who knows who telling Him who knows what and God wanted me to be the one to tell Him otherwise. Amazing. I prayed for him when I was walking away, one of the prayers being that what I said was the right thing and that it fell on good soil in his heart. The other thing I wanted to share about this morning was that I felt in my spirit: Well even if he is not the specific one person that I wnat you to tell that Jesus loves them, what does that matter? Don't we ALL need to know Jesus loves us? So either way it was probably a good thing to say "Jesus loves you." And how hard wold it be, really?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Choose Peace

Lately I've been experiencing a whole lot of fear. I'm not talking just anxiety but this sense of overwhelming dread. Today God reminded me of Romans 8:15 - "So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, 'Abba, Father.'". And later I remembered 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self- discipline". The point is we have to actively CHOOSE the peace that lives inside of us. But some of us, like me, are so used to living in fear and anxiety that though we may enjoy peace, when we get tempted with situations that make us nervous or afraid we remember how it felt and we miss it so we start catastrophizing and giving in to fear or creating situations to make us afraid. 

Jesus thank You for the promise of abundant life and joy and peace. Help us to choose that peace that You have placed in us and not give in to the spirit that leads us back into slavery to fear. Thank You in Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Waiting on the promises

Let me say that I have periods, particularly lately in fact, when I have started to feel cynical, hopeless, maybe even somewhat bitter. Why? Because I have often been told to remember God's promises. But when I think about God's promises I realize that there are some that have not come to pass yet. And it makes me wonder if that was really a word from God. It makes me wonder if it is ever going to happen or if I did something wrong and missed it. It makes me wonder if God is in control or if evil or sin or peoples' choices have won. 

But numerous places in the Bible we are told that God a) keeps His promises 
b) does not forget
c) keeps His covenant 
d) does not lie or repent 

And I remember - Abraham was 75 before receiving the promise from God and on top of that, he had to wait another 25 years before it came to pass. So what am I getting antsy about having to wait even a few decades? 

I also have to keep in mind that God is able to do the impossible and He is able to redeem the time and He is never late, even if it means "showing up" at the last second. I have evidence to testify to this fact. Hallelujah! I just need to remain faithful and not lose heart and release my burdens to God. He is the only one who can do what needs to be done. He is stronger than sin, stronger than habits, stronger than curses, stronger than all of it and all of us. 

God, healer of the broken, savior of me and my family, protector, deliverer, ruler of all the we need You today. We need You to be strong for us and help us to not lose heart. Help us to do only what You have asked of us and leave the rest in our hands. Father I pray for our emotions that You would give us victory of disappointment, fear, anguish, anger. Help us have joy in the process. Help us to CHOOSE joy and peace rather than just receiving what the evil one has tried to throw in our face or in our lives. We love You Lord and we acknowledge and appreciate Your faithfulness God. Please forgive us for all our sins. Stir us up again oh God to live for You and walk with You in the midst of all our circumstances. God You alone know what the person reading this is going through and what they are waiting for. Please give them Your peace and patience. See us through oh God. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Power of Prayer

It's interesting...sometimes I take traveling mercies for granted so I don't bother to pray. I just trust that God's gonna keep my family and me safe.  And it's because sometimes when I do pray, of course nothing happens - i.e., no accidents.  So because He has put the danger so far out of my way that I don't even know what He saved me from, I forget that it was His work.  But sometimes God will just whisper that I should pray for traveling mercies.  So the other day when I was getting a ride home I prayed for traveling mercies.  Today I was told that that day, the driver made it almost the whole way home when his car died at a gas station.  He said, "Could you imagine if that had happened ANYWHERE?!"  We or he could have been in the middle of the road, at a red light, who knows where.  Thankfully he got a jump and made it safely home.  I said to him, "That's why I pray for traveling mercies, and actually I happened to pray that night because I was worried.  I'm glad you made it home safe."  He was shocked and appreciative. 

And now I'm thinking...what if I wouldn't have prayed?  Would he or we have gotten into an accident?  Doesn't God know what's going to happen before it happens?  Doesn't He have control?  Yes but sometimes He chooses to use someone like me.  Let's just marinate on that...we can change the course of events through our prayers?!  What a privilege!  


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Do you believe in magic?

What I have to realize and am realizing about prayer is: It is powerful. Yes, the prayers of the righteous availeth much.  Yes, God hears my prayers and often He answers them.  And when my friends pray for me and mine, God hears them as well. BUT........I am not some magical being with magical powers that can change destiny.  Yes, God will often use or prayers to change things; I have no doubt about that.  But there are times when He will overrule our prayers, just because He is God and He is sovereign and He knows the end from the beginning.  I trust Him to answer my prayers.  Will I trust Him to NOT answer them?
