Sunday, October 31, 2010

Psalm 103:2

"Praise the Lord all my soul and forget not all of His benefits."  Ok God.  Im going to remember all You've done for me and that is going to encourage me and strengthen me and give me a reason and a way to keep fighting.  

One thing I wanna focus on and share tonight is this: what happened when I got saved.

I was standing outside of church before a youth service and was about to leave when someone dared to say hello and introduce himself.  He took me inside to meet everyone.  I was excited to hear what God had to say to me because I knew I desperately needed something.  I was interested to see that a young person was speaking. He shared his testimony of what God had done in His life.  I have no recollection what He said but it struck me.  I don't even remember what struck me but something captivated me.  I remember I wanted it!  I needed it!  I don't remember if he asked who needed Jesus, who wanted Jesus, or if he said that Jesus could do it for us too or what but whatever it was I knew I wanted Jesus and I needed Jesus.  Even though I didn't know anyone, and I couldnt tell you at this point who else was there, and it didn't matter - I ran up there.  Without hesitating, without questioning.  While waiting up there I said to myself, "I don't care what anybody's gonna say when I tell them I just gave my heart to Jesus."  I said the prayer and felt the touch of God and cried and I don't even know why I cried.

With all the doubts I have in my life, I see one thing for sure - something did happen to me that day.  I gave my heart to Jesus, He took it and filled it with the Holy Spirit - and I believed and I still do.  And He empowered me and He still does (I just don't always use it).  I started a journey that day (1/5/2007) and no matter how hard stuff gets and how far I may stumble from the path from time to time, God still has a hold.  See, Jesus didn't meet me that day - I met Him!  I had known Him and loved Him from birth.  I know this.  When I was young and innocent I trusted Jesus with my whole heart and being and wished that everyone would.  Before I was a Christian because my parents and siblings taught me about Jesus.  As life happened, I started doubting and I didn't want anything to do with God but He wanted something to do with me.  And He preserved me and brought me to the point of surrender. And He continues to bring me to the point of surrender as He draws me in "with cords of love."  Now I'm a Christian because the Lord taught me about Himself!  Now it's a conscious decision to seek and follow Christ.

Bearing all this in mind I remember there was a time when God touched me and nothing was able to stand in the way.  And it was undeniable!  And He continues to touch me.  And even though my mind or flesh sometimes gets in the way, it's still undeniable.  :D <3 <=He's so awesome!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Oasis

I’ve been in the desert for a while now
So desperate and thirsty
I fell for quite a few mirages.
So why should this well be any different?
How do I know this is true?
Because I recognize You!
My shepherd!
The one who met me at the well!
In fact I’m reminded I have that well inside of me.
Yes Holy Spirit You dwell inside of me.
So let the waters flow.
Let me not hinder You.
Help me to step outside of myself
To dig deep within myself
And pull from my reserve.
Remind me of Your mighty hand
That once stretched out the sea
And more than once stretched out to me.
Let me not forget all Your awesome deeds
And how You’ve been the only one to provide all my needs.
Remind me I have not been forsaken
Because I know in my heart I am not mistaken.
You still have a hold.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I know He's with me and that makes it all better.

I remember I prayed about this.  Prayed in advance because I knew it would be hard.  And it has been.  But at the end of every day I can lay down and say "God got me through this day."  And in the middle of the storm I can say "God is still with me..." even if I don't feel it.  Circumstances don't make or break God.  God is in the midst.  Honestly, when people would pray for protection, traveling mercies, etc. I would feel a bit iffy because it was almost like I expected something to happen since they were praying against it.  And I wondered "If God provides, why are there times we're in lack?  If God protects, why do we still get hurt?"  And I've come to realize that God does not cause tragedy or struggle but He allows them.  Not to torture us but because it's His chance to shine.  Jesus calmed the storm - He also showed them how to walk on the water.  He didn't stop the fire - He walked them through it.  Paul said "I have be content in whatever situation" (Philippians 4:12); and we ask ourselves, how?  What is that secret?  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" is the verse directly following.  That's the secret!  Whether we're in lack or in plenty, desert or oasis, valley or mountain, we can choose to rejoice (as He says a few verses earlier) because Christ will give us strength.  I am learning to thank God for the moments of weakness and troubles because I am learning the power and strength of God.  For He says "not by power nor by might but by the spirit" (Zech 4:6).  God is with me.  The Holy Spirit is with me.  Jesus is with me.  In the times I don't feel Him it doesnt mean He's not there but it's a perfect time to take stock of my life and fix areas that need fixing.  In the times when I feel like I'm losing it is when Jesus comes and He is mighty to save (zeph 3:17)!  

Ahh God thank You because I said earlier, if I can make it through today I can make it through tomorrow and if I can make it through tomorrow I can make it through the next day.  Well I made it through today so thank You because it's all You and please give me fresh mercies tomorrow and be with me again and again and again.  Thank You in advance.  Be glorified.  Amen.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

God will give you peace when you have to make a decision

When you pray about making a decision, God will give you peace about it.  Yesterday I could've made the decision to stay in a bad situation because, well, I'm already in it and it's never gonna change because it's a cycle, and I dont wanna do this again, etc.  But I decided, instead, to get out of that situation.  I knew my heart was in turmoil over it and more importantly my spirit was at unrest.  Though it hurts because I feel like once again I'm in the same situation I've been in numerous times, I feel much more peace than I did yesterday when I was still stuck in there.  I had the courage to stand up and say something and I'm so glad I did. 

There's always a lesson behind our mistakes.  Mine was this: This has sorta happened before and after years of being stuck I unstucked myself but still am in a lot of pain over it.  But if God gave me peace about this most recent situation, He'll give me peace about that too.  I just have to learn to let go.  And, with this situation, I have to make sure to let go of any bitterness IMMEDIATELY.  I have to stay POSITIVE and not think about the negative things that happened.  And I have to try really hard not to question God about why I was in that situation in the first place.  I just have to focus my mind, trust God and praise Him no matter what.  But I'm so glad because I really think I made the right decision - and I dont care what anybody might tell me!

Friday, October 22, 2010

God, You're So Sweet

Ahh how valuable and beautiful it is to be in God's presence and have a relationship with Him.  Yesterday i put my music on on the bus and God spoke to me about something...not gonna share right now kuz it's not the right time and right now it's between me and God...and then at night I was reading the Word and I actually was feeling a little blah and was hoping God would speak to me, reignite me.  Well all of a sudden as I'm reading I come across a scripture that was similar to what God had spoken to me in the morning.  It's like God was saying "I'm not finished with You yet.  Remember what I told you before, I want to continue our conversation.  Like, God is interested in me and interested in spending time with me and speaking to me.  So sweet.  Cant wait to see what else He has to say...<3  

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So THERE You Were!

So many thoughts racing through my head
It makes me wanna scream!
I need closure!
But what I really need … is to draw closer.
I need You Lord.
I need You to scream the truth at me.
Make it loud and clear.
But though I can’t really hear You I know You’re still here.
You told me to stand on this mountain and here on this mountain I stand.
The wind comes and makes my heart cold.
And I don’t sense Your warm embrace today.
But God You promised to be with me when I was young and when I get old.
So I stand and wait for You.
The earth quakes.
It shakes and it shakes me and I almost fall but I’m waiting…
Waiting for Your call
Because You promised.
But…You’re not “here.”
Then comes the fire.
I’m burnin Lord and ragin’ and where are You?
See I expected You to just jump out at me. 
See I know You were in the wind when the Israelites were crossing the river.
And I know You split the rock and put Moses in there.
And I know You were with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they were in the fire.
So why are You not here with me now?
I scream accusations.
Like Hannah I keep on begging.
Like the persistent widow I won’t back down.
Like David I lament.
Like the Israelites I complain and moan and pout and cry…
And then…
It’s in the midst of this moment that I hear You.
Sometimes You speak loudest in a whisper.
Because when You whisper we have to silence ourselves.
So God help me silence myself
And hear from You.
For You’re a gentleman.
And You know me.
You know what I need and how to speak to me.
You don’t have to shout – the devil can hear you clear enough.
You don’t have to pound Your fists or stamp Your feet – You know I’ve had enough of chaos.
I am not Your enemy but Your lover.
You want to whisper sweet nothings in my ear.
Nothings that mean everything whenever I can hear.
So silence me Lord.
Be still my heart and take comfort.
Open my eyes that I can see Your provision.
Forgive me God kuz I’m so eager to hear…
And hear what I want to hear …
That sometimes I push it…
And I’m so expectant that I try to seek You in a particular place in a particular way
Maybe not realizing You’re seeking me and waiting to get MY attention.
Ahh…God…give me patience and help me not take matters into my own hands.
Now is a time I really need to wait on and trust in You…

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Psalm 18:2

"The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."  Tonight it suddenly clicked.  God is the answer to my prayers. THIS, this scripture, is the answer to my prayers.  As I climb this mountain and try to drag myself out of this pit I know it's really slippery and there are times I'm about to fall and I pray, in those times, that God just gives me something to hold on to.  I need some solid ground.  And I realize - God is that something to hold on to.  He is always extending a hand and helping me stand firm and keep climbing.  Every single time I'm about to give up - there He is.  The devil may have a foothold but God is my stronghold.  He may think he has me trapped but God is my deliverer.  

And I was thinking today, also, how the past is chasin me but if I stay on the narrow path, the road to righteousness, then it doesn't have to catch up to me!

God is offering me sure footing and a refuge and a safety and a way's up to me to put my foot there....

I hope you can relate...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rest Assured - Jesus is Coming

Ahh I love how the Word of God is applicable to me today :).  This morning I was reading in the book of John and got a glimpse of ME! lol.  

John 16:18 "They kept asking, "What does he mean by 'a little while? We don't understand what He's saying." hahahaha!  How many times have I asked that question?  Yes I literally laughed out loud.  And Jesus's response is awesome " Verse 19: "Jesus saw that they wanted to ask him about this, so he said to them, "Are you asking what I meant when I said, 'In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me?'" 

Yes Jesus! How'd You know? lol

And this is His loving and encouraging response. Verses 20-23 "Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name."

Honestly, I'm so tired of hearing "Your breakthrough is coming...soon..." Um...what does "soon" mean?  It makes me have a hard time trusting God between that and other things that I've been told will happen "soon" (His returning).  But His timing is different than mine and Acts 1:7-8 (one of my favorite scriptures) says: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."  I don't know when it's coming but when I do, I'm not gonna remember the pain I had gone through - except if it benefits those to whom I will testify and minister to, and I will receive power and the Holy Spirit will speak to me and through me.  And looking back, I don't begrudgingly remember the pain of the things I've overcome - not in a way that I would be depressed about it because being depressed and regretting things will only stagnate and hinder me but once I've received my breakthroughs I am filled with such joy because it is what was birthed from a bad situation.  And babies are born for such a purpose and so were these trials that I've faced. 

So keeping that in perspective - the fact that eventually I'm not gonna remember or be stuck on all the crying I'm doing and the sweating and the fighting but will be overcome with the joy that it's over and that there is promise and potential to this newness, this newborn freedom - and the fact that JESUS KNOWS what I'm thinking and is willing to answer even before I ask Him directly - I'm just gonna keep it moving.  This is why I can still praise Him in my storm - when I keep my eyes on Him and my heart attuned to the promises He's given me, I know that it's gonna be worth it and that makes me wanna keep fighting!

Monday, October 11, 2010

God is with me...

Faith comes by hearing .. hearing the Word of God so I'm gonna "hear this" so faith will arise...

God protects me and helps me make decisions and gives me confidence.

The helmet of salvation helps me keep focus on fight the thoughts in my head.  All fear is gone when I remember God's love that has saved, sanctified and redeemed me.  I am saved so I am forgiven and a new creation and it's time I started thinking like Christ thinks about me because when I do then I evict the discouraging, disturbing thoughts that try to exalt themselves above the knowledge of Christ.

The breastplate of righteousness reminds me that I am loved and dearly prized and that even if I make a mistake I can come to God holy and pure and blameless.  Not because of what I've done but because of what Christ did for me.  He loves me with an everlasting love and with a love that is not determined by what I do or don't do.

The belt of truth helps me discern the lies.  A life centered on Christ is a balanced life so His truth keeps me stable.  Jesus is what's keeping me together right now.

The shoes of peace will direct my path and keep me safe wherever I go and make sure I stay on the right track and if I mess up it will gently put me back on solid ground and right position and direction.

The shield of faith kicks the devil to the curb.  It delivers me from demons of fear...sends the fears to the pigs and the pits of the sea where they belong.

And the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God fights for me and keeps the enemy at bay.  The devil can't be in the presence of God so when I get in the presence of God - when I abide in His Word the devil can't even think to attack me.  

God is my fortress and my very present help in time of need.  Well God, I need You right now...I expect that You're gonna show up and because You're gonna show up I'm gonna try my best to do what's right.........even though it's hard, it's so not worth it to take the easy way doesn't even help, it doesn't last but Your Word endures....thanks in advance....<3

Sunday, October 10, 2010

So glad I took a step of faith....

Lately I've been crying out to God, seeking Him and asking Him for help. But if you ask God for help, you'd better be ready to receive it. If you ask God for open heavens, be prepared to walk in!  So, one thing I've been praying lately is some deep healing that only He can do.  Every time there's an altar call though, I haven't gone up.  I keep trying to make excuses for why I shouldn't go get prayed for.  Finally today God practically pushed me up there lol (gently though, ya know?) and I found myself one minute arguing with God and compromising and the next minute walking up front...

I began to pray for myself.  I prayed that God would see this as an act of faith and honor that and continue the work of healing in my life (because I know He's been doing a great work in me).  I had been wanting for awhile now for someone to pray for me (I know people pray for me but it's sometimes good to have someone physically there) but I never allowed anyone too.  I finally trusted that God was gonna move on my behalf if I went up there.  I know that this kind of healing that I need is not an overnight thing so I didn't think I should but I definitely needed strength to continue the journey.  So I went up and I was praying that if it was His will that He would speak to me through someone or even just in my time by myself with Him.  But He did send me someone.  He sent me my beloved Pastor Blanca.  I had, in my heart, asked God that if the person He would send was from Him that he or she would give confirmation to things I was praying and receiving or a word that I needed to hear that was on point with my specific need.  Another reason I hadn't wanted to go up is because I'm tired of people acting in the flesh.  Sometimes people can mean well and especially if they "know" us they can pray what they think we need but it may not be accurate.

But this was not so today.  Pastor Blanca gave a word of wisdom and also prayed for the very things I needed prayer for.  I felt at peace and strengthened and knew that God was healing me as I was up there and I know He heard my prayer, saw my faith, and saw/heard everything I've been going thru lately and is going to continue to be there for me and see me through. <3

Saturday, October 9, 2010


John 10:10 says that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.  Think about it - if the devil is coming to steal from you and kill and destroy you there must be something he sees in you that is worth robbing and ruining.  A burglar knows exactly what he's going for.  He goes straight for the good stuff.  And he goes to the houses that he thinks will be easy to crack open and goes after the possessions that are just lying around unprotected.  Thieves are usually too lazy to look through drawers and stuff (well sometimes they do...but usually...)...they wanna go in and out because they know if they stay for too long and they make too much noise they'll attract attention to themselves and get busted.


2nd Timothy 1:14 instructs us to: "Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you--guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us."  I know God has entrusted me with an awesome deposit.  Only you know what that deposit is for you.  That's salvation but it's also something more - it's your testimony.  It's your deliverance.  It's your healing.  It's your wisdom.  Whatever God has given you, guard it with all your heart and don't let the devil get a foothold via open doors.  We have authority to bind the strong man (Matthew 18:18 and Mark 3:27) and steal his possessions back.  The Holy Spirit helps us.  Jesus helps us.  God helps us.  I know that the way I received my "deposit" was by being like Mary and allowing myself to be at Jesus feet.  So often it's been in the times of desperation and surrender and worship with complete abandon and an attitude that I'm going to stay here and press in til I receive my blessing, that I've received my greatest deposits.  And those are the things that the devil is trying to steal.  But you know what...being like Mary I can claim the promise that God gave her in the book of Luke, chapter 10, verse 42: "Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."  

I have valuable deposits in me...little roses just waiting to blossom, oysters getting ready to produce pearls and I have to keep in mind that I am marked by God and I belong to God and He belongs to me and nothing is going to separate me and God (Romans 8:35-38) and nothing is going to take that away what He has given me!!

Ahh...I love when God speaks through the lies :) 

Night night.

It Makes It All Worth It...

So I'm sitting here thinking about my situation and crying out to God, pouring my heart out...I'm desperate for revelation and resolution, for truth and peace and acceptance...I tell God how I feel right now and suddenly it occurs to me...

When I get out of this, I'm gonna have a powerful testimony that will help many people...or, ya know, at least one person.  I was telling God I feel so alone right now.  Although there are many people that try to help me, pray me through, encourage me, etc. there is only so much that people can do and people can only relate so much.  The only one that could truly understand at this point, I believe, is God.  But I am sure that God is going to bring people to my life that have struggled with some of the same issue(s).  And that makes it all worth it and gives me hope and makes me want to keep fighting.  I tell God I feel so different but I could visualize myself being able to minister to others.  I could visualize that there are other people out there, who maybe right now or maybe in the past or maybe in the future are crying, have cried, will cry, the very thing that I have and am and will.  

This is what the desert/valley experience is about.  We walk side by side with each other.  As a dear friend of mine once said, in Egypt there were 40,000 exiles walking at the same time - all looking for their promised land. We're all looking for the promised land so we walk together and as one of us makes progress we can help others who are stuck in the same mud.  That's why we need to not forget what we've been through.  Not that we should constantly dwell on it or regret it but keep ourselves in perspective and instead of belittling the person next to us or behind us (ie: the younger generation) for what they're going through, we need to try to help them - especially if we've conquered that very thing.  

Just sayin...

Friday, October 8, 2010

God is concerned...

My Father God, Holy Spirit, Lord, King, Jesus is sooo amazing I just had to share this little story with you.  I want you to know that God is concerned with the little things in our lives.  There's scripture that talks about how not a sparrow falls to the floor without God being aware, and how the birds dont have to worry about what to eat or wear because they know that God will provide, and that every hair on your head is counted...I have experienced this many times and once again tonight and that's what I wanted to encourage you with:

I brought a Smart Ones to lunch at work today because I'd been having to spend too much money all week on food because the microwave on campus wasnt working.  But I also have a problem with sometimes going overboard and spending on useless things.  So today even though I brought lunch I was sooo tempted to buy KFC to supplement.  I had coupons!  But coworker and I decided to just eat what we had (that's my way of showing gratitude too.  How dare I go and buy food when I already have.  That's so disrespectful of the One who provided and who is trying to help me financially and healthwise!).  I was full!  Plus I had a half a pretzel and some grapes that were at the office.  So I had more than enough and didn't have to buy any takeout.  What a blessing. I went home and did some stuff and then for dinner I had some leftover takeout from a few days earlier and I was afraid was going to go bad (I feel so bad not eating food when there are those that can't even afford it) so I was going to eat more even though I wasn't that hungry.  Well...I didnt. I went to fellowship and as it turned out, we ate beforehand!  I would've been too full but thank God it was a far away enough interval that I could rejoice with my brothers and sisters and I wasn't too full but wasn't hungry either.  It was perfect.  But here's the clincher ....

Someone was at the fellowship for the first time and she happened to be going my way so we walked and talked and she asked if I wanted ... KFC!!!!  We ended up going and she treated!!  But right before she ordered I remembered...I had coupons!!!  We ended up splitting the same meal my coworker and I were going to split! AND we got dessert lol.  

And we had a nice time of post-fellowship fellowship...all because I brought my lunch to work!  So you see, God cares about even the little choices we make like what to eat for lunch!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy :)

I'm happy.  I had a really good conversation with a dear friend of mine and it just brought back great memories and gave me such hope for...something hehehe.  Praying about whether or not to tell her a certain something but we'll see...I just might... :) 

And had a good day at school.  Got a B on my first history paper and my psych midterm was a breeze (took less than ten minutes) and I've been seeing God's hand and hearing His voice all day in the little things.

And I just have this desire to be still with Him. Just be still and let Him set me free.  Oh God I wanna be free so bad.  Give me patience.  But for the moment I feel good.  And, this morning I took good care of myself, I put some clothes on and instead of feeling self-conscious and worried about what anyone would say I said "I look good." And i continuously throughout the day would look down at myself or look at myself in the mirror and be like "I look good."  Oh and I put a little make up on.  But it wasnt too impress anyone.  I dont have to impress people or get their attention.  I'm not out to please anyone with my body.  I take care of me for me and for God because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made and give honor to God when I take care of myself and when I feel pretty because that's respecting the Creator.

Ahh feels good.

Also I feel like...I'm climbing. I have a long way to go, I know and it's hard at times but I feel like I'm coming out of the valley.  I feel like God is pulling me through (and using various methods too) and I feel like I just have to step step step step step and push myself a lil further at a time and if I lose my footing I just gotta get back up.  But...I told God today "I need You to keep pulling me through this one."  This is so hard. I can't do it on my own. My flesh wants to fail. My flesh wants to give up. My flesh wants to fall but NO! God wants better for me and I want better for me.  I have tasted and seen how awesome God is. How could I turn back?  *sigh*  I am so grateful for the valley the moment...because right now I can see that it's gonna be worth it and a valuable experience...I just need to keep this in mind. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Short and Sweet

There are two ways of looking at things. One is feeling guilty and the other is feeling grateful. When I feel guilty about making mistakes is when I start to stumble further because I feel as though perfection is unattainable - which it is!  Only God is perfect.  But when I am grateful for God's mercy I call on Him and receive His love and when I realize how much He loves me I am able to push forward to love Him.  He says "If you love Me you will keep my commands."  The devil used to make me think that was God telling me I didn't love Him because I'm a sinner. NO!  God knows my heart.  What He means is the more I fall in love with Him the more I'll naturally make the right decisions.  When I'm grateful for the mistakes because they show me that something's wrong, I get stronger because I know it's God being like a Daddy to me which means He loves me.  

God I thank You for Your mercy and grace and love.  I thank You that You know my heart and ask that Your love would guide me to freedom.  Draw me back to You with cords of love and help me to move forward with You, in Your confidence.  In Jesus' name...Amen...Also, thank You for the battle and the struggle.  The fact that I see it's a problem is a good sign and the fact that there is a problem means that I'm that valuable to You and that Your purposes for my life are so great that the devil tries to steal them and that You try to remove the obstacles.  Help me keep growing and moving forward in You...Amen..

Monday, October 4, 2010

But Still...

I'm determined that for every negative thing that I go through I'm going to find at least one positive thing to go along with it to counter it. So here goes from today...

This morning I felt so devastated and hurt and angry and a host of other emotions. But...I thank God for this because a) He showed me that I still have to heal in that area of my life...God will always speak but it may not be something you want to hear but it will always be what you need to hear.  It hurt to know that I was hurt but it was good to know what I need to work on to be whole.  Or rather...what I need to let GOD work on.
b) I know He was giving me supernatural strength and comfort and I have a feeling He made sure to have some people intercede for me...
c) I was able to run to Him, let it out a lil bit and then move on with my life. I didn't let it stop me from doing what I had to do and I didnt say anything stupid which would've made the situation worse.

I had favor in a particular situation.  I was so scared and upset and I could have easily remained feeling guilty about having these doubts (and about many other things I did "wrong" but I knew that wouldn't do anything so I just took care of what I had to take care of.  All it took was one phone call and I know that it's God that gets the glory.  In His will, this situation from years ago will finally be put behind me tomorrow.  But I remember that the last time I was in a similar situation I received my closure when these little details I took care of no longer mattered.  So I need to get to THAT place but hey...God is good and so merciful. I just pressed on...

I was running late and my brother was in the shower but just as I was getting out my clothes to wear he came out and asked if I needed to use it.  God has perfect timing.  I was a lil upset because I didnt think I would make it to the bus in time and I wanted to have time to eat the food I brought with me that needed to be heated up.  As I was praying, walking down the street, I saw the bus coming and I caught it!!!

I got to school in plenty of time and the microwave wasnt working which put a damper on my study time that I was going to try to have, as well as my mood and now I couldn't save money and I had a defrosting dinner in my bag.  But at least I had the finances to buy some lunch.  And lemme tell u - that one plate of food lasted me HOURS!

I studied for about an hour after school and as I came out of the library I missed the bus - saw it leave :/ but I got on another bus a while later...with a friend of mine :)

I came home and had a nice dinner that my dad made and spent some quality time with my parents, playing games on facebook and jeopardy.

Then I was really stressed and frustrated wit hw but whenever I would take a break and come back to it, the answers would seem to pop out at me! lol 

Now, I'm all done and ready for tomorrow.  But I just had to type a praise report.  But...that means tomorrow I have more time to seek the face of God, relax, or maybe start studying for one of my tests or continue studying for this one coming up on thursday.  Well, let's see how I sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Why We Should Pray The Word of God

Isaiah 55:10 says that the word of God will not turn back void.  As I was praying the other night, God led me to pray this scripture and it suddenly hit me.  It hit me to the point I couldn't even pray anything more.  I couldn't worship, couldn't cry out...I was just still...covered in the presence of God.  In awe of Him.  I realized that when we pray the Word (either direct scripture or using scriptural concepts) we pretty much have a guarantee that it will happen.  For if it's according to His will and His word, He promises that it will not come back void.  Meaning - if we pray in faith for peace, for healing, for breakthrough, for protection and it's according to God's plan, we will receive what we're asking because we've sent forth the word declaring.  We have authority.  We have the Word as a weapon!  In the book of Hebrews it says the Bible is sharper than a two-edged sword.  This is one of the weapons in 2 Corinthians 10 that's "mighty for tearing down strongholds."  Again, even if you don't know the scriptures by heart the more you get to know God and His character the more you'll naturally pray based on scriptural principles.

Even more amazing is that the next morning someone posted on facebook that exact scripture!  

God help me remember to pray the scriptures and according to scripture.  Open up my eyes to scriptures that apply to my specific situations because they are out there - I know it!  And give me strength and faith.  This is what a warrior does, she uses her weapons.  I can't expect to win the battle if I don't use what I have in my possession.  Thank You Lord for this powerful weapon.  In Jesus' name.  Amen....