Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So THERE You Were!

So many thoughts racing through my head
It makes me wanna scream!
I need closure!
But what I really need … is to draw closer.
I need You Lord.
I need You to scream the truth at me.
Make it loud and clear.
But though I can’t really hear You I know You’re still here.
You told me to stand on this mountain and here on this mountain I stand.
The wind comes and makes my heart cold.
And I don’t sense Your warm embrace today.
But God You promised to be with me when I was young and when I get old.
So I stand and wait for You.
The earth quakes.
It shakes and it shakes me and I almost fall but I’m waiting…
Waiting for Your call
Because You promised.
But…You’re not “here.”
Then comes the fire.
I’m burnin Lord and ragin’ and where are You?
See I expected You to just jump out at me. 
See I know You were in the wind when the Israelites were crossing the river.
And I know You split the rock and put Moses in there.
And I know You were with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they were in the fire.
So why are You not here with me now?
I scream accusations.
Like Hannah I keep on begging.
Like the persistent widow I won’t back down.
Like David I lament.
Like the Israelites I complain and moan and pout and cry…
And then…
It’s in the midst of this moment that I hear You.
Sometimes You speak loudest in a whisper.
Because when You whisper we have to silence ourselves.
So God help me silence myself
And hear from You.
For You’re a gentleman.
And You know me.
You know what I need and how to speak to me.
You don’t have to shout – the devil can hear you clear enough.
You don’t have to pound Your fists or stamp Your feet – You know I’ve had enough of chaos.
I am not Your enemy but Your lover.
You want to whisper sweet nothings in my ear.
Nothings that mean everything whenever I can hear.
So silence me Lord.
Be still my heart and take comfort.
Open my eyes that I can see Your provision.
Forgive me God kuz I’m so eager to hear…
And hear what I want to hear …
That sometimes I push it…
And I’m so expectant that I try to seek You in a particular place in a particular way
Maybe not realizing You’re seeking me and waiting to get MY attention.
Ahh…God…give me patience and help me not take matters into my own hands.
Now is a time I really need to wait on and trust in You…

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