Monday, October 11, 2010

God is with me...

Faith comes by hearing .. hearing the Word of God so I'm gonna "hear this" so faith will arise...

God protects me and helps me make decisions and gives me confidence.

The helmet of salvation helps me keep focus on fight the thoughts in my head.  All fear is gone when I remember God's love that has saved, sanctified and redeemed me.  I am saved so I am forgiven and a new creation and it's time I started thinking like Christ thinks about me because when I do then I evict the discouraging, disturbing thoughts that try to exalt themselves above the knowledge of Christ.

The breastplate of righteousness reminds me that I am loved and dearly prized and that even if I make a mistake I can come to God holy and pure and blameless.  Not because of what I've done but because of what Christ did for me.  He loves me with an everlasting love and with a love that is not determined by what I do or don't do.

The belt of truth helps me discern the lies.  A life centered on Christ is a balanced life so His truth keeps me stable.  Jesus is what's keeping me together right now.

The shoes of peace will direct my path and keep me safe wherever I go and make sure I stay on the right track and if I mess up it will gently put me back on solid ground and right position and direction.

The shield of faith kicks the devil to the curb.  It delivers me from demons of fear...sends the fears to the pigs and the pits of the sea where they belong.

And the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God fights for me and keeps the enemy at bay.  The devil can't be in the presence of God so when I get in the presence of God - when I abide in His Word the devil can't even think to attack me.  

God is my fortress and my very present help in time of need.  Well God, I need You right now...I expect that You're gonna show up and because You're gonna show up I'm gonna try my best to do what's right.........even though it's hard, it's so not worth it to take the easy way doesn't even help, it doesn't last but Your Word endures....thanks in advance....<3

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