Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Short and Sweet

There are two ways of looking at things. One is feeling guilty and the other is feeling grateful. When I feel guilty about making mistakes is when I start to stumble further because I feel as though perfection is unattainable - which it is!  Only God is perfect.  But when I am grateful for God's mercy I call on Him and receive His love and when I realize how much He loves me I am able to push forward to love Him.  He says "If you love Me you will keep my commands."  The devil used to make me think that was God telling me I didn't love Him because I'm a sinner. NO!  God knows my heart.  What He means is the more I fall in love with Him the more I'll naturally make the right decisions.  When I'm grateful for the mistakes because they show me that something's wrong, I get stronger because I know it's God being like a Daddy to me which means He loves me.  

God I thank You for Your mercy and grace and love.  I thank You that You know my heart and ask that Your love would guide me to freedom.  Draw me back to You with cords of love and help me to move forward with You, in Your confidence.  In Jesus' name...Amen...Also, thank You for the battle and the struggle.  The fact that I see it's a problem is a good sign and the fact that there is a problem means that I'm that valuable to You and that Your purposes for my life are so great that the devil tries to steal them and that You try to remove the obstacles.  Help me keep growing and moving forward in You...Amen..

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