Saturday, October 9, 2010


John 10:10 says that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.  Think about it - if the devil is coming to steal from you and kill and destroy you there must be something he sees in you that is worth robbing and ruining.  A burglar knows exactly what he's going for.  He goes straight for the good stuff.  And he goes to the houses that he thinks will be easy to crack open and goes after the possessions that are just lying around unprotected.  Thieves are usually too lazy to look through drawers and stuff (well sometimes they do...but usually...)...they wanna go in and out because they know if they stay for too long and they make too much noise they'll attract attention to themselves and get busted.


2nd Timothy 1:14 instructs us to: "Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you--guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us."  I know God has entrusted me with an awesome deposit.  Only you know what that deposit is for you.  That's salvation but it's also something more - it's your testimony.  It's your deliverance.  It's your healing.  It's your wisdom.  Whatever God has given you, guard it with all your heart and don't let the devil get a foothold via open doors.  We have authority to bind the strong man (Matthew 18:18 and Mark 3:27) and steal his possessions back.  The Holy Spirit helps us.  Jesus helps us.  God helps us.  I know that the way I received my "deposit" was by being like Mary and allowing myself to be at Jesus feet.  So often it's been in the times of desperation and surrender and worship with complete abandon and an attitude that I'm going to stay here and press in til I receive my blessing, that I've received my greatest deposits.  And those are the things that the devil is trying to steal.  But you know what...being like Mary I can claim the promise that God gave her in the book of Luke, chapter 10, verse 42: "Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."  

I have valuable deposits in me...little roses just waiting to blossom, oysters getting ready to produce pearls and I have to keep in mind that I am marked by God and I belong to God and He belongs to me and nothing is going to separate me and God (Romans 8:35-38) and nothing is going to take that away what He has given me!!

Ahh...I love when God speaks through the lies :) 

Night night.

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