Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy :)

I'm happy.  I had a really good conversation with a dear friend of mine and it just brought back great memories and gave me such hope for...something hehehe.  Praying about whether or not to tell her a certain something but we'll see...I just might... :) 

And had a good day at school.  Got a B on my first history paper and my psych midterm was a breeze (took less than ten minutes) and I've been seeing God's hand and hearing His voice all day in the little things.

And I just have this desire to be still with Him. Just be still and let Him set me free.  Oh God I wanna be free so bad.  Give me patience.  But for the moment I feel good.  And, this morning I took good care of myself, I put some clothes on and instead of feeling self-conscious and worried about what anyone would say I said "I look good." And i continuously throughout the day would look down at myself or look at myself in the mirror and be like "I look good."  Oh and I put a little make up on.  But it wasnt too impress anyone.  I dont have to impress people or get their attention.  I'm not out to please anyone with my body.  I take care of me for me and for God because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made and give honor to God when I take care of myself and when I feel pretty because that's respecting the Creator.

Ahh feels good.

Also I feel like...I'm climbing. I have a long way to go, I know and it's hard at times but I feel like I'm coming out of the valley.  I feel like God is pulling me through (and using various methods too) and I feel like I just have to step step step step step and push myself a lil further at a time and if I lose my footing I just gotta get back up.  But...I told God today "I need You to keep pulling me through this one."  This is so hard. I can't do it on my own. My flesh wants to fail. My flesh wants to give up. My flesh wants to fall but NO! God wants better for me and I want better for me.  I have tasted and seen how awesome God is. How could I turn back?  *sigh*  I am so grateful for the valley the moment...because right now I can see that it's gonna be worth it and a valuable experience...I just need to keep this in mind. 

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