Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Oasis

I’ve been in the desert for a while now
So desperate and thirsty
I fell for quite a few mirages.
So why should this well be any different?
How do I know this is true?
Because I recognize You!
My shepherd!
The one who met me at the well!
In fact I’m reminded I have that well inside of me.
Yes Holy Spirit You dwell inside of me.
So let the waters flow.
Let me not hinder You.
Help me to step outside of myself
To dig deep within myself
And pull from my reserve.
Remind me of Your mighty hand
That once stretched out the sea
And more than once stretched out to me.
Let me not forget all Your awesome deeds
And how You’ve been the only one to provide all my needs.
Remind me I have not been forsaken
Because I know in my heart I am not mistaken.
You still have a hold.

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