Sunday, October 31, 2010

Psalm 103:2

"Praise the Lord all my soul and forget not all of His benefits."  Ok God.  Im going to remember all You've done for me and that is going to encourage me and strengthen me and give me a reason and a way to keep fighting.  

One thing I wanna focus on and share tonight is this: what happened when I got saved.

I was standing outside of church before a youth service and was about to leave when someone dared to say hello and introduce himself.  He took me inside to meet everyone.  I was excited to hear what God had to say to me because I knew I desperately needed something.  I was interested to see that a young person was speaking. He shared his testimony of what God had done in His life.  I have no recollection what He said but it struck me.  I don't even remember what struck me but something captivated me.  I remember I wanted it!  I needed it!  I don't remember if he asked who needed Jesus, who wanted Jesus, or if he said that Jesus could do it for us too or what but whatever it was I knew I wanted Jesus and I needed Jesus.  Even though I didn't know anyone, and I couldnt tell you at this point who else was there, and it didn't matter - I ran up there.  Without hesitating, without questioning.  While waiting up there I said to myself, "I don't care what anybody's gonna say when I tell them I just gave my heart to Jesus."  I said the prayer and felt the touch of God and cried and I don't even know why I cried.

With all the doubts I have in my life, I see one thing for sure - something did happen to me that day.  I gave my heart to Jesus, He took it and filled it with the Holy Spirit - and I believed and I still do.  And He empowered me and He still does (I just don't always use it).  I started a journey that day (1/5/2007) and no matter how hard stuff gets and how far I may stumble from the path from time to time, God still has a hold.  See, Jesus didn't meet me that day - I met Him!  I had known Him and loved Him from birth.  I know this.  When I was young and innocent I trusted Jesus with my whole heart and being and wished that everyone would.  Before I was a Christian because my parents and siblings taught me about Jesus.  As life happened, I started doubting and I didn't want anything to do with God but He wanted something to do with me.  And He preserved me and brought me to the point of surrender. And He continues to bring me to the point of surrender as He draws me in "with cords of love."  Now I'm a Christian because the Lord taught me about Himself!  Now it's a conscious decision to seek and follow Christ.

Bearing all this in mind I remember there was a time when God touched me and nothing was able to stand in the way.  And it was undeniable!  And He continues to touch me.  And even though my mind or flesh sometimes gets in the way, it's still undeniable.  :D <3 <=He's so awesome!

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