Saturday, October 2, 2010

Why We Should Pray The Word of God

Isaiah 55:10 says that the word of God will not turn back void.  As I was praying the other night, God led me to pray this scripture and it suddenly hit me.  It hit me to the point I couldn't even pray anything more.  I couldn't worship, couldn't cry out...I was just still...covered in the presence of God.  In awe of Him.  I realized that when we pray the Word (either direct scripture or using scriptural concepts) we pretty much have a guarantee that it will happen.  For if it's according to His will and His word, He promises that it will not come back void.  Meaning - if we pray in faith for peace, for healing, for breakthrough, for protection and it's according to God's plan, we will receive what we're asking because we've sent forth the word declaring.  We have authority.  We have the Word as a weapon!  In the book of Hebrews it says the Bible is sharper than a two-edged sword.  This is one of the weapons in 2 Corinthians 10 that's "mighty for tearing down strongholds."  Again, even if you don't know the scriptures by heart the more you get to know God and His character the more you'll naturally pray based on scriptural principles.

Even more amazing is that the next morning someone posted on facebook that exact scripture!  

God help me remember to pray the scriptures and according to scripture.  Open up my eyes to scriptures that apply to my specific situations because they are out there - I know it!  And give me strength and faith.  This is what a warrior does, she uses her weapons.  I can't expect to win the battle if I don't use what I have in my possession.  Thank You Lord for this powerful weapon.  In Jesus' name.  Amen....

1 comment:

  1. keep writing, it is leading you to your breakthrough, I'm proud of you.
