Sunday, October 10, 2010

So glad I took a step of faith....

Lately I've been crying out to God, seeking Him and asking Him for help. But if you ask God for help, you'd better be ready to receive it. If you ask God for open heavens, be prepared to walk in!  So, one thing I've been praying lately is some deep healing that only He can do.  Every time there's an altar call though, I haven't gone up.  I keep trying to make excuses for why I shouldn't go get prayed for.  Finally today God practically pushed me up there lol (gently though, ya know?) and I found myself one minute arguing with God and compromising and the next minute walking up front...

I began to pray for myself.  I prayed that God would see this as an act of faith and honor that and continue the work of healing in my life (because I know He's been doing a great work in me).  I had been wanting for awhile now for someone to pray for me (I know people pray for me but it's sometimes good to have someone physically there) but I never allowed anyone too.  I finally trusted that God was gonna move on my behalf if I went up there.  I know that this kind of healing that I need is not an overnight thing so I didn't think I should but I definitely needed strength to continue the journey.  So I went up and I was praying that if it was His will that He would speak to me through someone or even just in my time by myself with Him.  But He did send me someone.  He sent me my beloved Pastor Blanca.  I had, in my heart, asked God that if the person He would send was from Him that he or she would give confirmation to things I was praying and receiving or a word that I needed to hear that was on point with my specific need.  Another reason I hadn't wanted to go up is because I'm tired of people acting in the flesh.  Sometimes people can mean well and especially if they "know" us they can pray what they think we need but it may not be accurate.

But this was not so today.  Pastor Blanca gave a word of wisdom and also prayed for the very things I needed prayer for.  I felt at peace and strengthened and knew that God was healing me as I was up there and I know He heard my prayer, saw my faith, and saw/heard everything I've been going thru lately and is going to continue to be there for me and see me through. <3

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